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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. Yeah, they nailed me on Wednesday...waaaaaaaah!

    It's so annoying though, I would quite happily buy legit games if Microsoft officially launched them here at a reasonable price (say between 1,000-2,000 baht) and offered full support like other regions. If PC game manufacturers can manage to make their games available for 600 baht then why cant Microsoft do it?

  2. I'm having tremondous difficulty getting my new laptop to behave like a Victorian era child, which is be seen and not heard. As soon as I got it I went to the volume setting at the bottom right of the desktop screen and muted it...that did nothing...google talk continued to beep and whistle at me, and the dam_n thing made a big 'DING DONG HELLO EVERYONE IM AWAKE' noise when I powered it up in the middle of a Uni lecture...teacher loved that. So after that I went into the control panel settings and edited the sound scheme so that everything was 'off'...so later I install MSN and guess what......'ding dong hello! do you want to know whats new on MSN news today?'...no I dont please go away! and stop the bloody noises! Also I have just been using skype, my friends voice was blaring out of the speakers and he couldnt hear me too good, I was using the external mic on the top of the monitor so I thought maybe there's interference...after plugging in my headphones+mic I can hear him fine (through my head phones) but he's still blaring through my speakers and I have no way of turning him down......this is really starting to annoy me now. So whats the best solution? Is there any kind of program I can download that will control ALL volume??

  3. Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure.....

    Well after 5 months of fantastic online play I have finally been banned from Xbox Live and after trawling the xbox forums it seems I'm not the only one.

    Ho hum, and just as I was starting to get into COD4, dam_n thats a good online game!

    Think I'm gonna stick with offline play until next year when I think am gonna go straight and get an unchipped console.

  4. Ok thanks for the input. Ended up getting a Compaq with almost the exact same specs and got and extra gig of ram so 1.5 in total, had to pay em 500 baht for them to install a COPIED version of XP pro but all in all Im very happy.....just so you guys know up until now Ive been using a desktop with pentium 4 1.8 ghz, 1.5 ram (266 speed) and 40 gig hard drive so Im pretty easy to please :o

  5. I think the screen is about 14"

    Yes, it's new

    No OS, but they said they can install a COPIED version of either XP or Vista (I dont think I can afford a laptop that comes with the official version, been using copied versions for years with no probs really)

    So even 512 RAM is not enough just to run MS Office, Thunderbird and Mozilla??? Anyway, I plan to get another 1 GIG OF ram for it straight away.....

  6. ACER

    Intel Celeron 530

    1.73 GHZ, 1 MB L2 cach, 533 MHZ FSB (this bit I dont get, 1MB of what? and whats FSB?) Intel 960 GM Express chipset (dunno what this is either...the motherboard maybe?) 120GB Hard drive (waaay more than I need but what the hel_l) 512 mb DDR2...dont know the speed...think it might be 667

    Intel GMA x3100 (is this the graphics card?) and that goes UP TO 224MB (????) plus free bag and 1 year free insurance just under 20,000 baht

    This an OK deal? It will just be for internet, Thunderbird, MS Office....I do need to be able to multi task though.

  7. For my work I have to be online every single day to both check emails and send replies, follow up enquiries etc. So if I go away to an island of other tourist place I will need to stay in a resort/hotel which has wi-fi so th that I can just sit down with my laptop and do a bit of work for a few hours a day (and would prefer to sit by the pool! :o ) as I don't want to have to go off and use internet cafes.

    So can anyone recommend any resorts/hotels with this or do you know anyway that I can find out? I usually like to go to Koh Samet so if you can tell me about a place there it would be great!


  8. Native English teacher needed to teach adults and children at a language school based in the mall Ramkamhaeng.

    The hours are flexible and you can work to fit your own schedule.

    We have classes for both adults and children of all ages.

    Payment is between 200-300 baht per hour depending on class size (350 baht for outside classes).

    The school is relaxed and informal, no need to wear a neck tie :o

    Please PM me for more details.

  9. I am planning on renting a condo or house soon and I want to have several phone lines (at least 2 but the more the merrier) because I want to have a separate ISP for each line.

    Is this possible?

    How would I go about arranging this?

    Any ideas about cost?



  10. Im planning on sticking to Windows XP...is that possible or do i have to get Vista now?

    I will be traveling a bit but mainly in taxis so weight shouldn't be an issue just as long as its not a breeze block.

    I think I saw one in a mall for about 17k with 2gig of RAM so might go for that...



  11. Hi I'm getting a laptop soon and I've never owned one before so I have a few Q's:

    1/ The main reason I'm getting this laptop is to use it in wi-fi spots to do work so what do I need? Can I just buy a wireless USB modem and just plug it into a usb port and then get a net connection?

    2/ How about the spec? I only need this for using the web (but with multiple tabs open in Firefox) and office programs....

    I think thats everything, if there's anything else that i need to look out for when purchasing a laptop then please let me know.


  12. As soon as my gf gets home from work every night she basically commandeers the TV and its bloody non stop lacorns until midnight so I always just retreat to my computer and the net. This is actually good for me cos then I have to get work done but sometimes I just want to watch a DVD or have a blast on my xbxo 360 so I was wondering if it's possible to plug either of them in to the monitor? I'm pretty sure I had a go on an xbox 360 that was linked to a com monitor in an internet shop once...

    Anybody know how to do this?

  13. Im watching Ch 5 right now...there is some child with a truely horrible disease on the show, totally disfigured beyond belief...Ive never seen anyhting like it and to be honest I feel kind of disturbed seeing it and would like to know more about it....does anybody know anything?

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