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Everything posted by bobbin

  1. Trumpian falsehood.. The Gazans (women and children) being dug-up from underneath tonnes of concrete rubble. are almost ALL civilians..
  2. Sure.. i'll take a crack at it.. Neville Chamberlain.. "Peace in our time" Ring a bell? Caved to Der Fuhrer. Million subsequently died. You don't don't give the aggressor what they want.. Because they will be back for more. /and people will die. Unnecesarily.
  3. Just come up with that pithy bon mot off the top of your head? It's called geo-politics.😎
  4. Trump is a Traitor to America... America just hasn't realized it yet. 🥺
  5. Wow.. you are on a roll today..again.. Are you being willfully obtuse with that comment? Or just obtuse? No benefit to America whittling away at Putin's finances,resources and manpower? More chatter..
  6. Was he dancing? Thought he was taking the ferret out for a stroll.. 😎
  7. The misogyny here is strong here..
  8. ant-cannabis disinformation..
  9. Ah.. the milk of human kindness shining through. Just checked.. Joined January 27. Not even a month and I've already shaken my head several times reading your pithy "comments"
  10. Where is the Idiot emoji?
  11. Jomtien Second Road is a racetrack for these Russian ( most ARE Russian) Big Bike Renters..Penniless Russians? Nope..1000+Baht/Day. They have been racing up and down that road for months now.. long straitaways... I hear them every night! Sad for the couple...
  12. Keep laughing...
  13. All of those American MRI scanners are purchased by Corporations.. and return a very "healthy" PROFIT... As opposed to the very responsible fiscal policy to match supply and demand, from Government coffers..
  14. Sorry Lou.. allergic to drivel. I gave you the opening and you snapped it up.
  15. 555.. Thanks for your input Lou. 22,500 posts in 3.5 years. You and KhunLA could populate the forum all by yourselves. And I'm the one with a problem? 😏
  16. Do you have a problem with reality? The forum has certainly changed in the 17 years since I joined.. I now attempt to amuse myself by checking the join date of "prolific" posters. it's surprising (not) how many are "relatively" recent arrivals. My reply was relevant to original post.
  17. Just woken up after a 3 year sleep? Don't think you have a problem "expressing your opinion" with 19,000 posts in less than 3 years...
  18. And to all who have freely thrown about the "Ban" option... Have you learned nothing from the 80 year Cannabis ban debacle?
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