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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Firstly, I would say that condition is not important, except perhaps for the poster above..

    I have sold 5 Maple Leaf coins here in Thailand. Approximately 3 years ago.

    3 of them I sold here in Pattaya to the same gold shop but at different times. Most gold shops are jewelers that sell gold jewelry. They were not interested in bullion coins. The one fellow who did buy them did so at about a $50 discount to spot, which was about $1500/oz at the time. One American bought one at spot but it was my adventure at the biggest gold shop in Bangkok's Chinatown which provided the most amusement and amazement!

    The fellow who did the buying was suspicious that I was trying to con him. First he said not interested and when I pressed him as to why not, he relented. He then took the coin to a little oven and applied blowtorch until the coin softened somewhat and bent it slightly. After that he used the gold-testing chemicals on the edge.

    Satisfied, he then gave me the agreed amount (again about $50 less than spot. However, while I was still in the shop and standing in front of him, he picked up some snips and cut into the coin! To see that it was gold all the way through. I told him that he had ruined the coin and defaced the portrait of Queen E2! he pointed to the gold chains lining the walls and said he was melting it anyway to make more chains. I would not sell in Thailand again. I think a place like HK would buy at spot, which is the way it's supposed to work.

    Gold is way down now and I would hang onto them if cashflow is ok.

    • Like 2
  2. Is anyone else having a problem with Sync "hi-jacking" uTorrent?

    Starting today, I can't get past a welcome to Sync (apparently a BitTorrent product) page while uTorrent runs in the background but inaccessible.

    There is also a heavy memory leak.

    So far there have been a few complaints on the uTorrent forums.....

  3. Good to know because every now and then I get the insane thought of moving back myself.

    OP, looks like you made a mistake, but you can correct it. Believe me, you're not the only one.

    Mistake is right. I live around Americans now. What a bunch of ... well, can't post it here. These people are mildly annoying. If you like living around boring, LOUD, bible reading, fast food eating patriots who've never set food outside their own country, America is the place for you. Unfortunately, I'm not in those categories. rolleyes.gif

    Let me see if I understand this correctly.

    You are in Thailand, but you live around mildly annoying Americans, who are loud, bible reading, and ....

    never set a foot outside their own country?

    If they never set a foot outside their own country, How the Hell did they get to Thailand? whistling.gif

    You don't understand this correctly...

    With reading comprehension like this, don't bother reading a newspaper.....whistling.gif

  4. ^^

    I was a bit surprised by this so checked Google.

    Apparently there is a "global" warranty known as a TLW. Tourist Limited Warranty for purchasers buying outside their country of residence.

    Not applicable to all countries but both USA/Canada and Thailand are participants.

    One year warranty. I would not pay almost double in Thailand and if there wasn't a warranty (seems there is), I would just buy another new one for what they want here.


    • Like 1
  5. I was in the dealership properperson bought his bike from the day before him, and they knew nothing about when they would have the 300f!

    Not to go too far off-topic but does anyone think Honda will offer a 300x as they do in the 500 and 650 series?

  6. Too expensive! Just like all the others...

    I picked up their take-away menu yesterday.

    Here are a few examples. Chicken Korma 240 baht. Lamb roganjosh 320 baht. Prawn Madras 320 baht. Dal(!) 90 baht...it's lentils!! Mutter paneer(peas and cheese)240 baht. Butter naan 50 baht..

    These are ridiculous prices for a hole in the wall resto in the 'burbs!

    • Like 2
  7. I saw a 4K 55in. Sony (I think) on sale at Tesco yesterday.

    Sale price just over 37,000 baht. The demo video was football (World Cup) related. Picture was fantastic.

    Wonder if I'll live long enough to see holographic television.....

  8. Arghh!

    Note to self; read the news aticles but not the comments from the peanut gallery!!

    If you've been here longer than a month, you know the experienced girls have no problem getting the police involved over a pay dispute. The police invariably come down on the side of their compatriot.

    The less experienced girls take the loss. but they have been robbed nonetheless. None of the posters who made the snide comments about bouncing cheques have ever had problems getting paid for work they had performed?

  9. i don't understand the weird yes sir no yes establishment mindset that operates within TV.

    Weird, isn't it? But one of the more salient functions of this forum is to provide a space within which its overwhelmingly petty bourgeois membership can assert their deeply reactionary opinions. Why are the reactionary petty bourgeoisie so over-represented in the white immigrant community? Don’t know but it’s interesting to see. Were these people so reactionary before they became immigrants or is it the pressure of group membership which causes such extraordinary uniformity of opinion (and such extreme, and extremely unpleasant, opinions at that).

    I believe it has to do with the advanced age of a large percentage of the membership, and the fact that they were never part of the youth movement starting in the late '60's.

    Too many grumpy old men. The type that used to write all those letters to the editor, before computers became popular. tongue.png

    • Like 1
  10. She can get a legal abortion in Thailand.

    Mr. Meechai (Condoms and Cabbages) established a foundation that helps low-income women with this problem. Send Sheryl a PM for the details. About 12,000 baht.

    Help her financially if she chooses this route. It's a one-off cost.

    Explain that under the circumstances, you won't be able to help much if she decides to continue the pregnancy.

    • Like 1
  11. Other than moderating the truly outrageous posts regularly "contributed" by the usual suspects, it's reasonable to assume TV has no interest in banning political topics. They are, after all, particularly useful in generating page views.

    Having sat through the last coup and all the nonsense posts on here, I am almost physically sick at the thought of going through it again. I am resolved to never open any political topic again. The quality of the political posts is shocking in terms of visciousness, political naivety, hate speech, etc.

    I realize we are a mixed bag as expats in this country, but these political topics make me realize how many of us are just plain dumbasses.

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