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transam last won the day on November 29 2024

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  1. "The Voice of Russia", again, you remind me of William Joyce.....Sadly.......
  2. You, our resident Trump protector, missed out that the President of the USA looked and acted like a clown, no class, nothing, for the World to see. But, you stick to what floats your boat, in this put-down case, a guy's chosen attire. I bet you say nothing about Arabs and their attire at meetings, or even that Trump wears make-up to look orange, covering his ageing mug, wearing an oversized ball-cap to stop his fluff blowing away, eh......😬..........🤭
  3. Altercation..
  4. Macron.........🙄
  5. He was dealing with a felon, I thought we all knew that..............😏
  6. What has that got to do with its recognised sovereignty status now............? 🙄
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