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Everything posted by transam

  1. Excellent, 10 out of 10, and factual, excellent.......
  2. Trump is a loser, have you forgotten 2016.........
  3. Thanks, but there really is no need for the praise, though may I respectfully suggest, you try harder....😉
  4. Yeeeh, riiiiiiiiiight...............😂 Oh, so the whole nation were going to church on Sunday's, then after, skipping across open fields to find daises to pick and take home, what magical times they were under Trimp.......................😂
  5. ........Which you didn't have 2016-20................? .....
  6. Dishonest, how come you have never said Trump is dishonest, when he actually is.........?
  7. I get embarrassed, you keep praising me, just a 'like' will do....😉
  8. I get the $40 at the local exchange, they put it into an addressed envelope with a receipt, then when the bloke asks for the money, I slowly pull out the envelope and receipt, then hand the money, if they refuse a note I will ask them to state why on the envelope to show the exchange for a refund, but the last few times my routine seems to have worked...😉
  9. Oh look, that bit of news has brought the Trumpettes out on mass, well they didn't have anything else to go on..........................😂
  10. No it's not.........And you know it......Try being nice to folk, instead of running them down for no reason, especially with your record....😉
  11. Is it true, Trump loiters shop changing rooms in the hope he can get his brain serviced.....?
  12. Says the bloke with various usernames, or have you done the right thing and owned up, fixed it.......?.....
  13. Have you got a link for that, or is it just another school boy thing that few take any notice of......? .😬
  14. What, get the Presidency.........😆
  15. More nonsense that means nothing on here................🤣 Even you will not admit that the Trump campaign and his mouth is a disaster, are you too embarrassed to comment on it......😂 You spout daily nonsense about Harris, even her voice.......Sooooo, funny...🤣
  16. Pay with $40 US dollars, 4x10's, in case one gets refused, cost around 1350 bht at the mo, if you pay with baht, it is 2000bht.....🙄 If you pay in dollars, the notes must be like new, if not, they will be refused, so they can charge you baht to earn extra money. I have the T-shirt...🥴
  17. Try reading my post again.........🤔
  18. That's better, I can understand that, well done......
  19. Agreed.......... Went into Laos this morning at Chong Mek, where after asking, the IO told me I could cross there anytime with no restrictions. 😊 So that was a bit of good news.......
  20. I don't need a residence letter to get a driving licence with a yellow book...🙄 I didn't need to ask questions to get jabs waiving my yellow book in my area...🤫
  21. Of course, it was.........................🤣
  22. Another numpty guessing wrong when they have nothing....🥴 But, I shouldn't expect anything else from someone canvassing for a lying numpty, eh......
  23. Says a numpty that supports a lying buffoon, now that is embarrassing, chap..... 😂

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