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Everything posted by transam

  1. 🤭.........You sound cornered...........🤭
  2. You've been accused of trolling, who-da-thought.......
  3. How strange, it's the rest of us and not you....😁
  4. Blimey, and I thought Trump needed medication.........🤭
  5. In your case, that is quite normal, don't worry about it..............😋
  6. As expected, you have nothing..........😁
  7. But you avoid answering, indeed disappointing on your part...🤔
  8. From a man on here who wasn't in the studio that knows best......... Was at McDonald's too, 40 years back........🤕
  9. Sit down and be educated about your hero and common sense............
  10. Excellent speech, I think Trump will have to top up his medication after that........
  11. Save it from what, all you have is your Trumps propaganda, MAGA, mainly focused on missing cats & dogs......................🤣
  12. Oh, you mean showing Trump up to be a mentally unstable fool.............🤪
  13. I didn't say it happened, I posted The Independents claim article.........😁 Have you been on to The Independent yet for clarification, because I haven't, because it's of no importance to me, only to the Trumpettes, along with McD's fries...........😂
  14. You Trump lot will accept anything you can get to smooth out Trumps uncontrollable mouth...🤪 Guard your fish ponds, they're eating your Koi..........🤣
  15. You mean, how many non-Muslims men were shouting Allah Akbar attacking women with a knife...
  16. So, no producer, camera, sound, make-up, stage prep folk there then, is that straight off your Moscow press...?
  17. Do some research, it might help you.....😉 "Drunker", well, just confirms you are cornered, but don't worry, I understand...😃
  18. What percentage was it...? 🤔 I never mentioned I was in any scheme....🙄
  19. More tosh, Trumps team are bailing out. You should keep up with stuff...😉
  20. Joining a savings scheme is greed, who-da-thought.............
  21. So her voice is your prime concern, importance, regarding the position of the President of the USA............? 🤔

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