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Everything posted by transam

  1. But, at UBON, they said "No", they understood my English, I was also with the wife, as she must be there for the 60, and to top it all, they still wanted all the paperwork to visit the wife for the 30.........😂 We were not amused, at the time..........☺️
  2. They told me to cross the border when the 30 day extension is up...🥴
  3. Correct, Joe personally advised me on anything 'visa' over many years, I have also never before been refused a 60 day at any time to visit wife, it seems UBON is going by the written 60+30 day thing with a visa exempt.. I will continue to work on it, if/when I get the opportunity...🥴
  4. @Danderman123 is not alone, he has been writing common sense. @illisdean is only interested in posting derogatory stuff against members because he doesn't like being questioned on his posts...🙂 If you can't see that, or want too, that's your problem... "Alone".....😂
  5. He could also apply for a further 60-day extension to visit a Thai spouse on top of the 30-day extension. Edited June 13 by Liquorice 'UBON' Ratchathani.............😉
  6. My office told me I cannot get a 60 day extension to visit wife from a 60 day VE, they gave me 30 days and told me to do a border run to get a 60 day next time. For info to others, that was at Ubon office.... I did ask a lot of 'why' questions, to no avail....🥴
  7. You were robbed.......🤕
  8. All waiting for the entertainment, and why not, after all, most of the planet are laughing at Trumps buffoonery..........
  9. Weren't you lucky........ Oh, you live that sort of life and support Putin, wow................ I pictured you in a log cabin, outside chopping wood to make a fire to boil water for a cuppa, wiv a fur hat on......👨‍🌾................😉
  10. And ever since he was told he lost, he has become like Hitler when Germany lost WWI.. Obsessed...... We all know what happened after Hitler was voted in.........😬
  11. That reads like anti-American tosh........
  12. Lack of fibre does not give you the trots, it's the other way round............🤕 Anyhoooo, I have no doubt you would to take horse medication.....🐎....😋
  13. Because Trump is crackers, his own Party members are saying the same. "Mental alertness", chap, he is just mental, full stop...........🤪
  14. Yep.........😎..........For sure.........
  15. Hmmmm, I believe I had to provide a load of nonsense about 15 years back, so not rubbish........😉 Oh, that was for the yellow book, ID card was easy....
  16. But they got the trots.......................🤣
  17. How informative, there's hope for you yet.................😝............🤣 Crack on, chap................
  18. Sunbeam, even for a wannabe Russian, that is a load of tosh........🙄 P.S. (May I suggest you install a spelling/grammar checker, download LT, it's excellent.)..😉
  19. Something below for you to 'not' read.........😂 And don't worry, you can buy a beer any time of the day in LOS, so get it out of your mind when posting........😂 https://uk.yahoo.com/news/cnn-cuts-away-trump-msg-110337691.html
  20. I, too, was christened/Baptised, but I had no say in the matter at the time.....😉
  21. In your case, I agree, it would have no effect at all, even your heroes constant lie telling has no effect, does it................? 🤕 https://uk.yahoo.com/news/cnn-cuts-away-trump-msg-110337691.html

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