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Everything posted by transam

  1. Why, to satisfy numpties like you over nothing..............🀭 Go ask Trumps mate Musk if he was working illegally in the USA on a student visa......πŸ˜‚
  2. Trump probably needed the rest, he knew he had to stand on a stage, but enjoyed the relax instead, eh.......πŸ˜‰
  3. So guilty until proven innocent in your book, yep, Trump material.....πŸ˜’
  4. I/we, the World knows Trump lies to impress the numpties to believe, as it seems you are ..........🀭 Where is @dinsdale's insinuation proof that Harris never worked at McD's, better still, you show me ...πŸ˜‰ You're talking of bias, you just did it admirably, well done.........
  5. Show us the proof of what you are implying...........? But I reckon the rest of us are not the slightest bit interested in your McD's/Kamala childish fetish, plus, your hero had made himself look more stupid with his "staged" McD's stunt, it wasn't real, though it was to you...🀣 As usual, you have nothing................
  6. Oh dear, you didn't feel safe................πŸ˜ͺ Are there many towns with cops walking the streets on the beat....? Did the guns frighten you........? ................🀭
  7. Indeed, it is...................πŸ˜‰
  8. You have the front to use the word, "sheeple".................πŸ˜‚
  9. Riiiiiiiiiight, next.................
  10. I don't need to, your man lies openly on a stage for the World to see, is that what you want as the leader of the free World, if you do, you're as daft as him........πŸ€ͺ
  11. I don't care about any states, my points are that folk may vote for an obvious fruitcake....... Did you know that folk actually voted for Hitler, thinking everything was going to be rosy, because he told them so.................😨
  12. More guesswork/nonsense, but you're perfect Trump voting material, well done...😬
  13. Stolen valour Walz is a false accusation......... You do not have to stoop that low just because you have nothing........πŸ₯΄
  14. Did they have a staff vote........?
  15. Seems I haven't been watching what you have......🀭 But, I am not American, an outsider that has watched many, many vids of Trump, where it is plain to see he is a liar, which he does to take in those huge mentally challenged numbers. He is embarrassing, he cannot control his inner daft thoughts and opens his mouth, he's going to let felons out of prison, which to me is an admission of his guilt. Chase after folk that talked against him, runs down military folk, the list goes on and on. Then we have his embarrassing court cases, all of this for the position of the most important person on the planet..........😱 In 2020 Trump LOST his next term, folk were obviously not impressed, if they were, he would still be in the big chair. Found to have zillions of secret papers in his house waaay AFTER he was dumped..😨 My conclusion is Trump should be put out to graze, the Republican Party should get itself back in some sort of order, new blood, not hang on to an old has been that is losing his marbles........
  16. Ah, a Putin's supporter's riveting post, or are some letters missing, chap........?
  17. Would she want too.............😁 Your hero has to try everything, to avoid that cell..............😨
  18. 1798, I thought America was just starting up with migrants.........
  19. Why don't you post something sensible, for a change......?............. Instead of lying, twisting and posting daft stuff from your 'luxury' flat, it's really, odd .....
  20. In your dreams...................πŸ˜‚ Go lie about someone else, or go out to play.............
  21. Yet another lie, who have I accused of being a 'member' of a terrorist organization..?πŸ˜‚ Mr.Twister strikes again ................🀣

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