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Everything posted by transam

  1. Tell me one engine that is in production that is identical to those in the vid...? You are in the business, so you should know....🤗
  2. Didn't you watch the video, the explanations....? I am not going to write a paperback on the subject just for someone who is confused over it..........🤕
  3. You obviously like Trump slagging anyone off instead of discussing issues, but you seem like a true Trumpette.....🤕 I am not American, just looking at the embarrassing tool Trump from the outside............😬
  4. Hmmmmmm, weeell, in that case the opposition must be an unpeeled Jaffa Orange, wiv a rug on top......😂
  5. I would have thought it was intelligent people don't need to be anonymous, which would count me out, as I am smart..........😂............
  6. We haven't had a farangy balcony jump/accident story for a while, could Bob become famous here, and know nothing about it..😱.............🤭
  7. It would seem you don't understand my thread, though I am not surprised, just your usual lambasting, how tiresome...... Ignore your questions, well, your questions are usually laced with personal nonsense, having a bad day nonsense.........🤭
  8. Oh dear, they are shouty and not EV friendly, that must have been very trying for you.............😢
  9. From what I have seen and heard, all your Trump hero does is slag people off, no debate just lambasting... Who on earth wants to listen to that, well, you, it seems........
  10. Yes, now you, but expected........🙄 Now are you sitting comfortably, good, what have you to say about this new generation of ICE engines...? Now take your time, no rush.........
  11. They think it's pay day.............🤭
  12. You will have to look if manufacturers give a battery guaranty that does NOT include mileage....Pointless having an 8 year guaranty if it ends at 100,000 miles... If the battery fails at 8 years, you can probably dump the car.....There are horror stories out there on cost of EV battery replacement. But as I said, many EV threads out there, but read between the lines...😉
  13. Hey, this is not an EV thread, there are a zillion EV threads to get your answer, but be aware most of the EV-ers there will tell you a load of ol' tosh.........😋
  14. You are probably the only person that would think that.........😬

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