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Everything posted by transam

  1. Sorry ol' chap, but I am English, and if it wasn't for the USA I may never have been born. You should get yourself sorted out, or go live in the places you crave, Oh, Red one, but if you do, don't forget, things are different there, keep your head down, or you may lose it. 🤔
  2. It seems you have got nothing, a bit like your EV if a battery failure........😱 Now try replying with something sensible, you are letting your side down, miserably...........🤔
  3. Why, I lived and now live in a free country, you support the commie tendency countries, aggressors, yet spout from a free one, now that IS hypocritical.........😂
  4. See what I mean, you only have a one-way street mindset, but it is amusing....
  5. Do the same as I do to you, as a Red-under-the-bed, ...................
  6. Luck you don't live in the lands you support, aren't you.......
  7. Two words, so.... Myself...😋
  8. If you haven't the balls to reply to points put forward, instead try to personally discredit, it just shows you are getting nearer that corner. I have never discredited you personally, and it will remain that way, because I don't need too, unless you're a commie, which I doubt.......🤗............😂
  9. Says another "Red" supporter, living in the comfort of a free country...😋
  10. Me not having "Red" tendencies, as you do, does want to discredit those who have, you bleat from a safe haven free country, do your parents know your secret....😬
  11. 1. I doubt it, she had 2 children.........😂 2. No, me neither.......🤣 3. Try harder, Aussie bloke.........😆
  12. Anti-Brit, you must be joking.........🤫
  13. I see you are backing your country again...............🤣
  14. They couldn't sell........
  15. .......and keep your battery charged............🤭
  16. Blimey, selling at a loss, it would seem, which to a buying might be a red flag..................😬
  17. I Googled it too, it is possible, as you say "unlikely", which means, it is possible..🤗
  18. Weeeell, I don't have any birds, I am married, I don't need your late developer entertainment.......😂
  19. Oh, right, did they enjoy it.............🤣
  20. Well, with the birds you seem to knock around with, it would be imperative...........
  21. We always get an up to date one, pointless being sent away to get one, though where we are it is quick and easy...
  22. Him & Malcolm............😘........🤭
  23. I will leave that to people like you, thank-you.....😬

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