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Everything posted by transam

  1. Hi Joe, you wouldn't, if you check, I wasn't talking to you...😉........🤭 Now what do you think about the automakers answer to their EV threat with these new tech engine stuff.........? 🤗
  2. Did the USA make sacrifices to keep your country free from aggression...? 🤔
  3. So, nothing to do with aggressors then, you know, the Commie/Muslim aggressors just waiting for a chance to attack those they don't like given the opportunity...? 🤔
  4. So tell me, you keep pointing a finger at the USA, now tell me, is it only the USA that is supporting Ukraine, what other countries are supplying arms and money to Ukraine to keep them free from tyranny....? Now take your time, and make it a comprehensive list....Thank you..😂
  5. Guessing again, all you want is your hero to dominate the area, just like Hitler, LAND GRAB........ Are you a Hitler groupy too.......
  6. It would seem the corner is being turned, the EV threat has pushed the button for the conventional automakers to come up with what they know they can do...
  7. More guesswork, never voted Tory in my life, chap....🙄 You just don't like being told what you are........
  8. And another........😀
  9. Wow, another, it's getting more interesting.........
  10. You see, stupid people like you draw stupid assumptions about members from thin air, it comes naturally.. From where I am sitting YOU want a Russian blitzkrieg over Ukraine, and then the next country next door, then the next, the same as your obvious hero Hitler did. You should be ashamed of yourself, if you don't like free countries, then go to Russia, N.Korea, which ever suits you....😬
  11. An interesting read on Toyota's new engine offerings..... https://www.motor1.com/news/721489/new-toyota-engines-details/
  12. The USA is not the aggressor, it is your Russia that is sending your people into the meat grinder for nothing, I am surprised you don't know that. The reality is you forget that the USA sent the UK the tools to do away with another aggressor, and eventually helping out with man power, which the UK is still very grateful for... I think you should catch up on things, eh......
  13. Perhaps that statement says more about you..........🤕
  14. How about the aggressor turning around, or is that not in your agenda....? 🤔
  15. Who will be first to put one of these new engines into rides, hmmm, I have a feeling, Ford, just a hunch...😝
  16. I wonder how much this new design tech will cost to the consumer, as we know, modern tech/engineering has been excellent for quite a few years now, so I would assume reliability must have been key during their experimentation, especially Toyota, who are not convinced about EV's 'at this time'... Most certainly interesting...🤗
  17. Forgetting which Party Trump represents, who in their right mind would vote for an obvious nutter ...........? 😬
  18. As I thought, attack, and then run off, because you have nothing....😂 As for my Pontiac, you know what I am talking about, you had nothing then too... Now back to my thread....You can toddle off, embarrassed..
  19. 1. You are cornered, tell me an engine that is in production identical to those in the video........😁 2. If any of the engines are the same as the ones out there, why the hype on these creations......? Come on now expert, lets hear it.....😁 Oh, and you can now tell me the off the shelf parts on my Pontiac engine....😂
  20. Questionable......
  21. Tell me an engine that is now in production that is identical, not too hard as you are the expert here.... But, it would seem you cannot answer my question. I mean, are all hybrid engines the same, are all turbo engines the same..? 🤣 Now come on, tell me what engines now in production are identical to any of those in the video that they claim changes things....😋 I recall you said that from my fun Pontiac ride photos, was made from off the shelf speed shops, you were totally wrong there, are you going to be totally wrong on this one too.....🤭
  22. Perhaps you should write a note to Putin pointing out he is an old school commie warmonger.................
  23. Oh dear, Joe is again in a bad mood today. So tell me why these manufacturers are advertising their new tech.....? 🤔

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