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Everything posted by transam

  1. I was referring to the nonsense about yourself, mate, not what anyone can find on Google...........
  2. I recently upgraded a friend's old laptop, he thought it was a wow because it had a 1TB HDD...🙄...., when in fact the thing was a slug with loads of storage. It had an optical drive. I pulled it apart, replaced the HDD with a 250GB SDD, dumped the optical drive paraphernalia, bought an SDD/HDD caddy that uses the internal optical drive connects, his original 1TB HDD fits into the caddy. Now he has a much faster system with 1TB storage of storage.....🤗 Sadly his CPU was fixed to the board, I didn't want to get involved with that, but a CPU upgrade would have been beneficial.... Sorry if that lot is off-topic, but things can be done to improve old PC/LT's.........🤭
  3. Which is then one reason for the EV downturn, a minor ICE problem that can be fixed easily. Who in LOS wants that kind of grief........
  4. Which is probably better than the stuff you purport to have dealt with regarding your willy...😬 But, like most of your stuff, is total rollox........
  5. If the thread heading is fact, then perhaps those thinking of going electric 'may' have heard not so good reports from LOS buyer friends about the rides not being as user-friendly as there 20 year old Toyota, which rarely let them down, plus they could still sell it. I also do not believe that some LOS EV buyers have never had a problem, and getting an EV problem fixed maybe not easy, the ride off the road, whilst they are scratching their heads, unlike a 20 year old Toyota..........🤔 The couple of blokes that bolster these EV thread's, I reckon, would 'never' tell us they have an EV headache, if they had one, the threads are a one-way street for them.........
  6. Just shows you know absolutely nothing.....
  7. My Ukraine, don't be silly, Ukraine is our Ukraine, for those who enjoy freedom, not people like you who worship aggressors.....
  8. So what, you think to mutt.............🙄
  9. Then get over there and help out, you know it makes sense......🙄
  10. The other way round chap, you spout your support for Russia, led by a commie, spout about commie countries, and you are telling me you read nothing about commie stuff...........😂 Sunbeam, you don't like being called out about being a Red, probably a western country, you forget what you write here....Try being honest...🤗
  11. You've had my reply, get on with it, you are the Red bloke here, is my assumption correct or not, or is it just a Putin fanboy club rag you read.......?
  12. You're running down what you are involved in, how strange........
  13. Was that after your daily dealings with sheep......? 😬
  14. No, I have nothing to do with communism, you do, so I would only assume you read all that Red flag bumph.......🤕 I see your leader is having mega problems........Have you been passing on any advice......? 🤔
  15. How do you know, oh, you must be an elderly trend setter..............😂
  16. I don't doubt it, your dimness shines through..........🤕
  17. You probably always have..............
  18. Well, you may have been brainwashed by John down the lecy wheels outlet..😋
  19. Perhaps folk do their homework before getting involved with something new. Does anyone want to gamble on an expensive item they want to last for years with no hassle. It is obvious to many that the few here took the gamble, which it was, but do not like being questioned on it. I have read a lot on the downside of an EV ownership, most of the criticisms would p_ss most folk off, but we have probably all read the same stuff.

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