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Everything posted by transam

  1. The August 2005 is the date when you were given a full licence, the other date is when it expires...
  2. I have three W.C.'s, they are all 2 peace, and all 17 years old. Changed a water flap in one. The white plastic seat cover on the expensive W.C., started to deteriorate, so after working on it, it looks like a polished wooden one, and still has soft close working........🤩 The 2 cheaper ones are "KARAT", the better one is a "nahm"
  3. I think you need to adjust your font size.........🤭
  4. You can't go wrong with a second hand Toyota, probably the most reliable brand on the road........ Just give any s/h ride a thorough once over, especially in motion.....😋
  5. But are not Thailand.......☺️
  6. You quote stuff about me with NOTHING.................🤣
  7. I know what it is, but you were wrong and will not own up.......... Now get over there and apologise..........🤭 P.S. Wrong again, I do not have a "UK Police Certificate Certificate" of any kind, all your stuff is guesswork and assumptions.......😂
  8. And you, "press check", still waiting...
  9. You're 'avin a larf...............🤣
  10. They have a reciprocal agreement with the UK...🤗 Thailand doesn't..
  11. And you're the person to ask.............. Aren't we lucky........
  12. And you would know, with your Red insider information, eh..........
  13. Don't be silly..........🙄
  14. Then you better be more alert regarding pedestrians stepping off the kerb...🤗 Fast cars with pipes save lives......😉
  15. No, the UK state pension is listed as a benefit......🥴
  16. Was it Michelin........? 😃
  17. OK, don't have a yellow book then........🤗
  18. Your team uses civilians as shields, live underground like rats.......
  19. Wrong, we can all move to any country that has a reciprical agreement with the UK Gov. and spend our pension there... There is a list, which YOU can look up, places like the Philippines, USA, Europe. But sadly we cannot go to places which has historical links to the UK, like, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, now isn't that strange...........
  20. What on earth could someone like you teach...........? 🤐

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