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Everything posted by transam

  1. I have had 2 detached retina operations, 2 cataracts done, so don't try all that crap with me........🙄 Just install a grammar and spell checker, even your Trump probably uses one.........
  2. So you know all about his private life, a bloke on AN forum..........😂 But, you are my perfect vision of a Trump voter, crackers......................🤭
  3. Have you started puffing early today........... What is anti semtic........? 🤔
  4. The only brilliant move Trump makes is in a shop changing room......
  5. Have a look at what things cost in Europe......🤔
  6. I have no idea what a LBMF cook is..........🤔
  7. I am English, so from my English perspective, I can assure you, Trump is an embarrassment for the U.S.A. And I suspect the rest of the World is laughing at people like you, except that Russian leader bloke....🤭
  8. ...........plus the custard stains on your tank top..........
  9. I thought it might be something like that.......🤗
  10. ...........or slobbery.............😂
  11. Another .......tale.............
  12. I think you are exaggerating, try spouting something more sensible..... But, try looking at the wide boy Trump regarding dementia.........
  13. Could Biden in reply ask for a Trump brain scan, I mean, it could be located elsewhere, as a shop changing room does come to mind........
  14. What are you talking about, visa application topics..............😂 Read your last sentence, you should take note of it........😉........🤭 Oh, please don't call me Sam, it has no reference to me, but you can call me Trans, as most do......🤗
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