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Everything posted by transam

  1. I must ask why you started this thread, was it to have a dig at this very brave man, unlike those who suddenly develop bone spurs..............?
  2. Probably was, after all, most know Trump is a clown that will alienate the USA.....
  3. I thought it was buffaloes, I recall your post from yesterday.......😘...........🤭
  4. You have adults in your room, hmmm, are they all Russian.............?
  5. I didn't think you could..............🤭
  6. Really, have you got a link stating the war is over, or is it just more of your anti-waffling...? 🤫
  7. You seem to do a lot of guessing.........
  8. But, he is not blind, as you seem to be.......🤫
  9. Try being more precise, and go check the bushes in your arm pits, whilst you're at it.....😂
  10. Who is "nobody", could you be more precise........? Forget those who maybe sitting nearby on stools ....
  11. Do you need advice on how to do use them.........
  12. Perhaps folk do both......10-4.........😉
  13. Open this, sScroll down, you will find it.........🤭 https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/gross
  14. You're stalking me then..................😂 Crack-on..........
  15. As I said, Russia is not a Communist country, stop playing with words, I corrected you.........
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