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Posts posted by transam

  1. 5 hours ago, 2baht said:

    You sure kicked Vietnam's butt did'nt you! :whistling: Does the most powerful country with the worlds most powerful man run away like a scared dog with it's tail between it's legs??? Nixon was good, was'nt he! Nancy Reagan was a good president wasn't she, Trump was the greatest of all time and more intelligent than anyone else mankind has ever encountered wasn't he, Biden is absolu .........ah........what was I talking about!!!

    Really, then why pick a shop changing room...?..........:huh:

  2. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    I don’t watch videos for a number of reason.


    1. They are already edited versions of events, starting with simple things like camera angle, through to cutting and splicing.

    2. They are subject to fakery,

    3. They normally address multiple issues  and therefore open to wide interpretation.

    4. They eat bandwidth.

    5. This is a discussion forum.






    What a load of rollox.................🤣🤣🤣

    Consider yourself......Buried........🤫..........😂

  3. 1 minute ago, JonnyF said:


    Yes, Chomps hates videos because it's difficult to deny what everyone can see with their own eyes.


    Biased articles from the likes of the guardian are much more useful for gaslighting. 





    I know, he forgets some of us have read his foreigner protection stuff for years, even slagged off the UK military, how low can you go if you are British...:sad:

  4. 24 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I didn’t watch the video, I read the news report I posted a link to.


    I did something you don’t do.


    Pointed out who it was who commented a crime and expressed my support for him being prosecuted.

    Not something you do when discussing the rightwing thugs rioting up and down the country.

    Well it is obvious you do not like to see real facts in motion, just protect your chums at all costs...Weird...

    You're probably not even from the UK, or are an immigrant, who knows the ropes in the UK...........Yes/No....😛

  5. 2 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    Makes you feel better supporting the racist rioting thugs if you can blame another poster for them, got it.

    Add transam accusing someone else of never answering is the biggest pot / kettle example I have ever seen. Cue childish reply and a load of emojis....

    Good afternoon, Joe...

    I see you have found another opening to make unfounded assumptions......🤕

    As you cannot understand posts, may I suggest you try educational learning threads to tweak your ol' gray cells....🤭

  6. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    The last Government declared they had taken back control.


    It seems they were telling porkies.

    Wrong, they had taken back control of the UK borders, but alas your chums kept turning up on mass in rubber dingies, after paying crooks a small fortune to get into the UK.

    And then, alas again, your brigade took care of not sending them back where they come from, then you come on here pointing fingers at the mess you created to mess up the UK.

    Now your lot are in control, I look forward to the future on how they will tackle the immigration problem because the likes of you, WANT them.............🤣

    • Agree 1
  7. 22 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Yes there are causes.


    Rightwing extremists peddling hatred to their flock.


    A group of people who in response to a heinous murder, set about attacking a completely innocent community, destroying property, looting businesss and violently assaulting the police.


    Not the brightest bunch and so very easily lead I the wrong direction.





    The thing that you yourself missed, because of the support, want more foreign folk let into the UK, is that the populace reads/hears on a near daily basis about the crimes committed by your people.

    Grooming gangs, drug gangs, rapists, muggers, terrorists, religious nuts, brought into the UK, or born to these people to LEARN their trade.


    It is because of people like you that there is now an element that says enough is enough...It is, in fact, your fault, protectionism...😒


    Enoch Powell saw it coming, he was called a racist, whereas, he was TOTALLY right.

    People like you seem to wallow in the UK problem, that people like you brought into the country. Thankfully the Eastern European low-life thing is going away, I wish you would too...🤔


    • Confused 1
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