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Posts posted by transam

  1. 18 minutes ago, marin said:

    I know mate, I am above arguing with a mental midget. 

    We can only hope the same happens to him, reading his continuous diatribe everywhere, makes one want to do something else.....:saai:

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  2. 7 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

    I was planning to marry one late this year, but have pulled the pin.


    She was better than average for back in England but other better opportunities have come up since living here so I will go for something much younger.


    I have only been here for a few months but know more about Thailand that a lot of the long timers here.

    Yeh, riiight, you have been on here a looooong time, I also reckon you are not a Brit....😂

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  3. 1 minute ago, John Drake said:


    The country does not need more rage filled politicians. Need people with an even, cool demeanor who don't get flustered and take out their anger on the citizenry.

    But, he won't be president, he will have his own work to get on with.....😋

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  4. 17 hours ago, John Drake said:


    Walz is incredibly off putting for me. He looks <removed>. And I don't like shouters who take extreme positions. That's why I don't like Trump either.

    Sadly, some of us cannot help what we look like, even though we can do a good job...😥

    • Agree 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    It’s meant to sound like you responding to the the heinous murder of three children by reaching for your Islam/Muslim thing.


    If it doesn’t sound like that then I apologize.



    The rest of your post is a non sequitur, and yet more evidence of you engaging in the off topic issues you have.




    You won't answer him because any answer would go against the religion you protect, you are, same ol', same ol'.............:coffee1:

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  6. 1 hour ago, Presnock said:

    Well since the UN began their initiatives in human rights and female empowerment at odds with the traditional role of women creating families, both developed and developing countries don't want to go back to the traditional family values with women focused on bearing children.  One can see the resulting deographics, meaning that the populations age without as many children needed to just maintain the numbers of citizens, and then one can see how bad it can get - i.e. Japan having to recall retirees to the workforce, Korea predicting a 100% fall in the number of citizens as the young-to-middle aged folks now are not dating as much, not getting married (nor planning to), no kids if they do get married and having to work 2 or 3 jobs just to live a poor life, and we can't ignore Thailand either - they are predicting that in 20-30 years the population will be less than half that of today.  I am sure other countries' data would agree with this - especially any country that is hostile to immigration numbers needed to keep the low-paid jobs that the locals really do not want to do filled.  Then, since the pandemic and total closures of most jobs, and subsequent closures of so many offices, manufacturing plants, etc., many of those trying to re-establish that business have failed.  Many workers have not returned to the work force for many different reasons I guess.  Now it does appear that we might be entering a world depression.  We have an election in the US with candidates as far separated in platforms as the citizenry is too with many on both sides saying that they will not accept a loss to the other side.  I myself is not too concerned for myselt as I am an old man of the past out in the pasture so too speak but my wife and kids will have to face what comes.  I can only hope the best for them and try to prepare them for whatever comes about.  At the same time we expats here and probably in other lands too are possibly going to go through some turbulent years too both political and financial.  I do with the best for all their families too.


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  7. 34 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    Is it just me or has the pick of WALZ by itself been enough to drive the Maga crowd over the edge? Most of you sound like lunatics on this thread.

    You speak for yourself, weeell, I think folk canvassing for Trump on here is quite weird, unless you're a groping, criminal, chancer..........:huh:

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  8. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Not in the least bit interested in you trying to excuse your completely off topic Islamophobic diatribe.


    Heinous murder of three children, reach for your Islam/Muslim thing.


    It precisely what you did.



    And what if the lad turns out to be a secret ISIS online groupie, will you come back with cap in hand, or think up an excuse, yeees, the latter........🤕

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  9. 11 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Ok, so you don't condemn it. Your thoughts are clear. I know exactly what you are now. Transam the "man?" who never ever answers a direct question as he can't engage in adult discourse but only throws childish nonsense around with a liberal sprinkling of childish emojis.

    Why is it a "daft question" to ask if you condone that attack on that innocent family? Why can't you say that was wrong?

    Happy to share your thoughts when you're on the attack though, including that Chomper Higgot is responsible for the riots. 

    The biggest troll I have ever encountered. Sad really. No intelligent debate, just name calling.

    Who says I don't condemn it, you, with the rest of your master baiting....😂


    Now come on, a grown man affected by forum supplied emijons.....😢



  10. 11 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Chomper Higgot is responsible for racists swinging a stick at somebody and rioting?

    Amazing how many of these tough guys cry in court.

    I don't know why a troll like you is still accepted on this site, you are the worst example, it actually disgusts me. I don't know why I still read these threads as they are just full of racists and appallingly intolerant people who can only speak in childish language and YL soundbites - you say nothing of substance, ever, just childish insults and childish emojis. Saying CH is responsible for this - you are ludicrous.

    The only people responsible are the racists and hooligan thugs who are doing it, no one else.

    Is CH also responsible for the knuckle draggers setting fire to a hotel with the intention of killing the migrants inside??? Attempted murder charges should be thrown at all that were filmed.

    Oh wait, it's about the Southport girls, I forgot. 

    Unfortunately, YOU haven't read much here over many years, I have, so bugger off and read some AN history on your chums.......😂

    You also don't know that Enoch was right, but I will forgive you for that.

    In the meantime, something for YOU and your chum CHiggy to watch....🤔



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  11. 15 hours ago, frank83628 said:

    clearly not if you only watch 1 sides opinion! you missed that little woke gem from KH, i expect you love all the gender, trans stuff.



    No, I will leave that to you and your ilk, Red bloke.........🤔

  12. 2 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    Von Mises? He had the right idea. Trouble is 90% of humans are no good. Thats why we have dysfunctional societies and stupid politicians. The average voter has a 100 IQ and they vote on personality. Society will never improve until intelligence does.

    Reads like you are part of the 90% Dolf, Sue, what ever your name is....🤕

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  13. 2 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    that was the first link i saw, it was on the bbc and many MSM too, that was the first link i saw. you have no clue what is going on outside the clown land you live in

    I read, watch, enough news to keep me informed, so stop guessing.

    I also know how to write, unlike yourself, no excuse for a farangy from the west, even if you are a Red..........🙄


    • Haha 1
  14. Just now, frank83628 said:

    yeah, i support Putin..told you many times.... do you not remember, perhaps you were too busy putting on your face makeup, red nose and wig.


     is Thailand is a free country right now, are we not still under military rule??


    Yes, you are a Red, a traitor to free people and free countries..

    Do I remember....🥴....Did you forget I am the one that reminds folk here what you are.

    What military rule in Thailand, chap, if you're nuts, I am sorry for you.....:huh:

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