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Posts posted by transam

  1. 5 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    You can't change your character much at all after age 30. If you're a user, you'll probably remain one. If you're a decent person, that will be you until you pass. None of my strategies have failed. I'm not with women that weren't right for me, and I always got my children to raise, instead of leaving them with an unstable person who didn't care much for them. If you pick the right partner, your strategy will not only be appreciated, but she will stay with you for you, and not your money.

    Pointless talking to that bloke, he's a "toughy"...🤭

    • Haha 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:



    IMHO your suggested path makes a guy look weak, and no woman will stay with a weak guy for long.


    How did that work out for you?

    Total nonsense, more like doesn't like a wannabe tough guy crook will have a problem...............:whistling:

  3. 11 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

    Where are you?

    You are missing the point that this incident was not part of an evil plan of a terrorist cell. Just an idiot kid like the Trump shooter.

    The right have a point about some attacks by Muslims in the UK. But this is not one of them.


    Some of these idiots are that dumb they don’t even know what country they are in.


    Where am I...............🙄

    Did I say it was........?

    Move on chap.........:coffee1:


    Who said it was.........?  🤔

  4. Just now, susanlea said:

    Who is we? You and others on the net you never met? :cheesy:


    Millions of men and women grab each others private parts. This has happened for 200,000 years.


    Ask an adult about the birds and the bees.

    Your bedtime, Dolf...:guitar:

  5. 3 minutes ago, Woof999 said:

    Check whether it has a water pump (for removing water). If it doesn't your  drain needs to be no higher than 10cm above the water outlet. I found that out the hard way on a 15k+ baht machine and had to hack off most of the laundry room waste pipe.

    Ours has a pump, but it runs straight out at floor level, so not sure if it can pump upwards. Perhaps look at machine details on the Net.. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Re-elected by Londoners (including me).  He's not my hero, but has been and still is, a highly effective Mayor.

    🤣.........By Londoners, Khan's extended family, you mean, who are too stupid to realise he is going to cost them a lot of money....🤣


    Highly effective........😆.......Keep your doors locked and alarm on, your chum has scuppered Boris's work...😱

    • Confused 1
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  7. 6 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


    But it's the Dems who are obsessed with it. DEI, Biden stating he needed a black female VP before he hired Harris etc. 


    Everyone else simply corrects their lies and half truths when they alter the truth to get votes from certain Demographics. 


    I don't care about her race. I wanted Kemi as UK PM. I just hate the cynicism behind the lies and I won't stop calling it out no matter what names people call me. Couldn't give af in fact.

    Up to you, our Boris got chucked out over a beer, not the huge list of court cases past and present the guy you support has....

    The Republican Party should have sorted it, but 99% are afraid too do anything, if they let a tool like Trump be their mascot, something is really wrong with the Party..

    • Like 1
  8. On 7/28/2024 at 1:33 AM, G_Money said:

    America “can do better “ than Harris.


    Just watch.  Anyone with half a brain will agree.



    You have the front to talk about "half a brain", your hero is a felon, thinks with his small head, has court cases queue up.

    I have a feeling you are just impressed by his wealth, as you are always boasting here about what you can do with your money, embarrassing to all, but you do..🥴

  9. 4 minutes ago, Tug said:

    First and foremost Kamala Harris is an AMERICAN all stop 🛑 she as a person of color being raised in a single parent household being bussed to school has faced challenges that are outside my experience and most likely not nice.She has managed to survive thrive and reach the pinnacle of service in our government not to shabby Kudos madam vice President kudos.Now on the other hand we have the New York City trust fund baby man felon.a real silver spoon baby man handed every thing always protected and so far hasn’t paid the consequences for his fraudulent ways,hopefully that ends soon!this spurious line of attack is pathetic in the extreme 

    Well said......:clap2:

    I do not understand why Trumpettes are so concerned about her being, black, brown etc.  In fact, to me, it is totally racist........

    But, if that is all the Trumpettes have got, well, they will bury their hero even further, which is a further step in the right direction...😉

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