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Posts posted by transam

  1. Just now, G_Money said:

    Nothin wishful.  Confirmed fact.


    But it’s having a reverse effect.  52 million raised in 24 hours.  More to come.


    Not bad for a “Convicted by a Kangaroo Court “ Felon.

    😂.............Well, for sure there are a lot of fruitcakes out there........😂

    Oh and, 52 million what, Big Macs, Red ball caps, condoms for your leader............🤣

  2. 10 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    Russia has wisely, decided not to launch a full scale invasion of Ukraine. Firstly, Russia has no intention of conquering Ukraine. If it did, it would have to launch a full scale invasion and it is apparently well known in military doctrine that such a move would result in something like a 3:1 casualty rate. Instead, Russia’s intention was to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and to de-militarise the Ukrainian army that had been trained, supplied and supported by NATO for years. In order to achieve this, Russia has decided on a war of attrition which by all accounts, seems to be working out as planned. It’s been 2+years like you said and during this time, Russia’s economy has been growing at an incredible rate compared to that of the EU and even the US. I don’t think I’ve ever come across an article that claims that Ukraine is winning or that it is likely to win. If you have any,links to such a claim, feel free to share. Russia is able to continue such a strategy indefinitely. I doubt the collective west can.


    Your wife’s opinion on anything is of no interest to me whatsoever so I stopped reading your post at that point.

    Is that the latest from your side................🤣

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Smokin Joe said:

    Here is a photo of my license. Some details have been changed to protect the guilty.

    Issue date: 4 August 2005

    Expiry Date: 13 November 2027


    The issue date is apparently the date my first 5 year license was issued and I have an unbroken string of renewals each time it was expiring. Kerry's isn't the same, but he had let his expire for 8-9 months before renewing.


    So the issue date is more like a "Licensed Driver since...." date.




    The August 2005 is the date when you were given a full licence, the other date is when it expires...

  4. I have three W.C.'s, they are all 2 peace, and all 17 years old. Changed a water flap in one.

    The white plastic seat cover on the expensive W.C., started to deteriorate, so after working on it, it looks like a polished wooden one, and still has soft close working........🤩

    The 2 cheaper ones are "KARAT", the better one is a "nahm"

  5. 2 minutes ago, ericbj said:

    A perspective on the issue and some comments pertaining thereto:


    1. The woman's decision to emigrate to Thailand twenty years ago seems based upon re-joining family members. A quite natural motive. Her son was then aged 45. He seems to be contributing at least as much to her upkeep as the UK Pensions Service. Which, with his increasing age, a family to support, and economic downturns, is likely becoming increasingly burdensome.


    2. What evidence exists, as alleged in a comment, of the son operating an illegal business? I.e. that it is not at least 51% Thai-owned. If unfounded, this statement could constitute a libel; and perjury if claimed in a criminal hearing.


    3. The suggestion she may not have paid NI contributions is unsubstantiated; and besides the point if she is entitled on the basis of payments made by another.


    4. It is true that many Thai workers and their families can subsist on less than this woman. But they are part of a network of relationships. Which includes expanding Thai Government social services, including healthcare. For example, go to a Thai public hospital for an eye operation. An expatriate will not have it for the price a Thai person pays.


    5. Global economic circumstances have changed radically and unpredictably over the past 2 to 3 decades. And are changing ever more rapidly now.

    Who can foresee today what the world will be like in 2044?


    6. The Thai economy and Thai regulations, both in substance and application, have dramatically altered over recent decades.


    7. Not every retiree fits neatly into one of two categories:

    Those who plan the move in every last financial detail, down to their final demise; and


    Those who throw caution to the wind and come out on a whim, full of blue-eyed optimism.


    My personal experience - not typical - but there are doubtlessly many untypical cases:


    Came six months, unpaid, in each of a dozen years helping refugees (mostly genuine) improve their English with a view to resettlement in "western" countries. Discontinued this, but continued coming as result of relationships developed here. Because of changes to tourist visa (more limited duration), switched to O-A retirement visa. Changes to O-A visa (health insurance with one of 8 listed companies) forced change to O visa for retirement). Returned here late 2019. Due back in Europe mid-May. But the plandemic strikes. Return flight cancelled. Book seat on another flight. Flight cancelled. Book again. Third time lucky? No! Flight cancelled. From the next day, 1st July 2020, all international passenger-flights banned, and borders closed. When finally the sanctions are lifted (thanks to the damage caused to the world's second largest tourist economy) the deterioration of my health renders the return journey unthinkable, not least because of the physical and administrative challenges to be confronted on arrival.


    My impression of immigration policy as currently being drafted by the Thai Cabinet is that it favours short-term tourism where visitors come for several weeks, and spend much of their annual savings in the process. They seem to be less interested in retirees, unless these happen to be extremely well-heeled.


    The politicians may be missing the point that short-term tourism is volatile. When times are good, it booms. When a depression sets in, hardly anyone comes. You only have to look back to 2008 and its aftermath to see this.


    Retirees, on the other hand, make a less obvious but substantial commitment to the overall economy rather than to the tourist economy. They are here, as a rule, for the long term. It is not easy to up stumps and depart at short notice. Except upon death. And then some at least of their assets may remain in Thailand.


    There is a case for both types of visitor.

    I think you need to adjust your font size.........🤭

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  6. 1 minute ago, G_Money said:

    You should know the answer.


    After all, you have a “UK Police Certified Certificate “.


    The days of spoon feeding babies are over.


    Google is your best friend, along with the shining shovel from the hardware store 

    I know what it is, but you were wrong and will not own up..........:clap2:

    Now get over there and apologise..........🤭

    P.S. Wrong again, I do not have a "UK Police Certificate Certificate" of any kind, all your stuff is guesswork and assumptions.......😂

  7. 2 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

     oh stop with the BS, the msm media, Killary, numerous politicians, talk show hosts, celebs, all claimed that Russia rigged the election and trump was in illegitimate president,  and were alloowed to voice it any where they wanted, trump was banned from social media, and any discussion on the matter was also removed. 

    STFU trying to argue over semantics. THEY BOTH CLAIMED THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED.

    Trump did not try and overturn the result, he questioned it, sought clarification, and rightly so.

    people like you are the cause of the division that happening today


    You're 'avin a larf...............🤣

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