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Everything posted by transam

  1. What are you talking about........? ðŸĪ”
  2. Lazada has it........ https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/branston-pickle/?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.search.2.71f767d0739D5A&q=branston pickle&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=abId--378451__textId--6106959530377478735__score--7.657841__pvid--8cac6a1d-a031-4ce4-a29e-b5715ec2cdaa__matchType--1__matchList--1-2__listno--0__inputQuery--branston__srcQuery--branston pickle__spellQuery--branston pickle__ctrScore--0.564406__cvrScore--0.071582854&from=suggest_normal&sugg=branston pickle_0_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  3. I think you are talking out of your lower half, I have never had a problem with refunds, except a seller hanging it out to his 3 day limit...ðŸĪ”
  4. C.O.D. for me, done it for years, they phone when on route, if you are not in, you tell them to come back the next day..........Easy...ðŸĪ—
  5. More like, closed eyes, teeth clenched tight, because he really wants to slag someone off.......ðŸĪŽ............ðŸĪ­
  6. Great, why not try it.............
  7. So would I if I had just got nabbed for dope in LOS.......ðŸ˜ą
  8. Was he a good friend, then.......? 😘
  9. At 56, I never had a pension letter to look at, I had 9 years to go..........😂
  10. You're weird.........
  11. Eeeeeer, now that is a good question........
  12. A passport is opened at any airport by staff, where anything in it will fall out. But, would you put dope in your passport which can be asked for at any time, would you put dope in your pocket when we know airports do have sniffer dogs. Perhaps he wore those jeans the night before, and forgot about last night's dope session...ðŸĪŠ
  13. But it shouldn't have been in his pocket, the bloke is a fool...........🙄
  14. Would have got stopped in the UK......😉
  15. Lot of guesswork there.........ðŸĪ—
  16. We don't graduate in the UK, we are put in a primary school, and then a secondary school, the class you are put in depends on one's ability, in this case, I reckon it was a continuous class "C"..........ðŸĪ­
  17. It just shows the mentality of those who rely on dope to get them through the day. On top of that, this bloke seems to be a real dope.........
  18. About 20 years back, my accountant never mentioned a locked state pension when I said I was thinking of going to Thailand. It would seem not even he knew.........ðŸĪ”
  19. 😂........Funniest post I have read for a long time...........😂............

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