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Everything posted by transam

  1. Wild assumption, you keep looking down your nose, chap......🤔
  2. Oh, but he did know about dodgy offices, it was his hobby, in fact we used the same office......🤔
  3. Aren't you lucky, try thinking of others, not you and your immigration office...🙄
  4. Sadly, we can't bring back Joe, he spoke for members, not for immigration.....🤔
  5. I have used a Multi-O for probably 16 years, the rest extensions. The only problems I have had are with extensions, those being at the immigration office over nothing. With the multi-O I have no problems, get 15 months, border just up the road, the only interaction I have with the immigration office is for a 60 day, if I need one, strangely, no problems with those.......🤗 I have a few friends who do the same, to avoid the brown shirts...😉
  6. I never said that, another EV twist........🤔
  7. "Abused", why would you, a farangy, refer to a multi-O as being abused....? It is a VISA, to be used as the owner see's fit, an extension is not a visa, and has restrictions. I feel you are looking down your nose at members, first the no money thing, now we are abusing a VISA.........😤
  8. Have you found that photo yet..........? 🤭
  9. Both dangerous in the wrong hands......🤔
  10. Back home, insurance cost is based on a few things, including performance of the vehicle. The acceleration of an EV would put it into a very high insurance bracket. Also, I would expect to see more folk killed in an EV if they start using the available power and didn't know what they were doing..... Anyone here got an EV in the UK, if so what is the insurance premium...? 🤗
  11. That reads like you are cornered.......😉
  12. This post, the only reason you come back, to bait, a complete tool that has been buried..........
  13. Why are you still here, you have been buried, chap.........🤭
  14. This is an EV thread, the bloke asked a relevant question...........🤔 Yes, folk have been electrocuted changing light bulbs, the same as any electrical item, responsibility for using that item is up to the user, unless an item has been proven unsafe............
  15. That just shows how stupid you are, can't answer a simple question put to you... Which is the EV owner's norm..
  16. For me, it is funny because he's been spouting the same cr@p for years, under different usernames, banned I suppose, but when he is cornered, he will come back with he's got the fiddled money, we haven't. A complete idiot with nothing to show but BS.......😂
  17. UK Gov. headed papers please, we all can't wait to read it......... Now run along, sort it, then post it........ We are getting so exited.......
  18. He's got nothing to show, just that he purports to fiddle his pension, and it is all legal..........😂
  19. I think it is "good day" to you, come back when you have actual Gov. headed info proving your case. If not, go away, you are making yourself look daft, you did the same with your other usernames.........
  20. Dunno, it needs someone at the window at Sav that is "genuine" to report back. If the ruling has changed, I think Sav is going to lose a lot of revenue..🤔
  21. I doubt it, we have had years of his waffle on the subject........
  22. Proof, proof on Gov. headed paper.........................🤣 As usual, you ain't got none, when you have had YEARS on here to source your that info proof..😁

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