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Everything posted by transam

  1. Then tell us where you get residency letter...........? Proof of address for things like a new driving licence...🤔
  2. I never said there would be a nuclear holocaust..🤔
  3. He just likes supporting the immigration tea & biscuits box......🤗
  4. More cr@p from you..........Gawd 'elp us...................
  5. You don't get a yellow book at the immigration office...🤔
  6. You got something right for a change, yes, it is Thailand.........😋 Pedestrians, electric scooters, you better start a campaign....🤗
  7. I think it's time for your afternoon nap...........🤔
  8. I never said there would be a nuclear holocaust......🤔
  9. Why, because it's not about Brits.............😁
  10. Good afternoon Mr.Proby, I think you are confused, try reading a few more posts before you ask me a question........😁
  11. Useable footpaths in LOS, don't make me laugh.......😂 Trikes are no different to a moped, they have as much right as you to get to where they want to go. I have no idea what happens in Australia regarding trikes. In my area we must be on the lookout for cows, bulls and buffalo on the roads, and you are worried about trikes..........😂
  12. You do not have to school me with common knowledge, thank you......🤔
  13. PCM test, 3BB, 932.5 Mbps/301.2 Mbps, which is my usual daily norm...🤗
  14. 😂.......Our very own Australian "Marjorie Proops" advises, yet hasn't found a partner, I wonder why, perhaps his Dan obsession.......😂
  15. Someone is confused with the above, let's have it, don't be shy....😋
  16. Yeh but, you're a wimp.............😘
  17. Do you watch out for children, dogs etc when you are driving, if yes, then you should have no problem with disabled old folk on a 3-wheel trike, they need your help and support....🤗......Which you may need one day........😉
  18. Mobility scooters are just that, doesn't matter where they are made....🙄 A good driver must be aware of everything that may turn up on the road.... They are not dangerous, it is people like you that are dangerous because you cannot or do not read the road ahead...🤔 God forbid you drive a car when you are cracking on a bit...........😱
  19. Yeh, that reminds me of member Goat.........😂
  20. But Thai's may see you using one in the future............🤗 Most Thai folk with a problem get looked after by family, where us farangy types are used to looking after ourselves, though I don't know about you........😋
  21. He's renown for it, a lonely, bitter Aussie, shame really...........🤔
  22. In the UK you don't need a helmet on a 3-wheeler petrol or electric mobility scooter, do they here....?..............🤗 Can you tell us the extent of his head injuries, can't find info on that......? 🤔

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