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Everything posted by transam

  1. Hey, lots of folk here read your threads about Brits, never about your homeland, strange that..........😂
  2. Yeh, riiiiiiiiight..............😂
  3. I will second that, he even looks for photos of Brit members, a true Aussie weirdo.....🤔 Look back a couple of posts where Goaty asked about my tattoo, where do you think he got that from........... The bloke is weird, and surprised he gets away with it.........🤔
  4. No, what, which tattoo......? 😂
  5. Which one, nosey Aussie...............😆
  6. None of your business, nosey Aussie.............😘
  7. Which one....? 🤭 Now Goaty, I know Dan is out of your reach, but me, Oooooh, no, you stick to your gay bars...............😧..........😝
  8. Which you were obviously told, well you are a well-known figure after 40 years at it.........😂
  9. Good morning Goaty, I wonder what ant-Brit tripe you have for us today........😂 I am sure you will have a link, or names for that observation, Goaty.....🤭
  10. We've all left the building...........🤔
  11. Those who are still alive after having the jab, may or probably don't agree with you, eh Blue..........😉
  12. Could be, as you were one too....................😂
  13. Box cutter sorts that.......😉
  14. Links please, if you have none, then withdraw your "story"...🤔
  15. You talk a load of rollox..................
  16. I think your Mrs. will know all about it, if it's her money, don't interfere, say NOTHING...........
  17. Always save old wine bottle corks, they do come in handy........😉
  18. Links that provide evidence please, I have asked three times now........🤔 If not, bail out........🤗
  19. I don't suppose holiday or hotel brochures will mention it.... Any Thai government doesn't seem to be able or want to do anything about it. Many years ago I flew out of CM at night, I could see loads of fields on fire, done after dark when officialdom is in the pub or watching tele............

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