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Posts posted by transam

  1. I know a Vigo but l found these stainless steel '' Bentley Continental '' :D inserts hanging up in a spares shop, so they will be around.



    do you remember how much they were.


    I think 5000bht with the chrome bits you see on the grill, not cheap but 100% stainless and very well made, no tarnish or rust after 2 years.:) I have seen cheaper but different design.

    Forgot, and included the large insert for the bumper air vent.

  2. I dont like dogs. Dirty, stupid, noisy, dangerous, disease-ridden ceatures that crap everywhere and stand in the middle of the road. I see no point to them at all. Dog owners are rarely any better. Both should be humanely destroyed, or castrated to prevent them breeding.

    There's a solution - just kill every creature you don't like. Be careful though, the dog lovers will be after you to.

    Although the owner is falsely designating a pet as a soi dog he may be surprised to learn that many Thais feed soi dogs. In the Pratumnak Hill park area the dogs hang out at certain "feeding stations" waiting for their food at certain times everday. I've seen Thais get out of their cars with bags of dog food to feed them. They even have water containers spread out throughout the park for them.

    The way I look at it, this is Thailand and this is how Thais feel about their soi dogs, so it is not up to us to interfere. Most of us are smart enough to take sutiable precautions.

    If you need a dog-free vacation try the Philppines where they eat dogs.

    They eat them in Thailand too. My sister inlaw sold her chubby dog for that purpose :huh:, 400 bht, l think.:)

  3. I know a Vigo but l found these stainless steel '' Bentley Continental '' :D inserts hanging up in a spares shop, so they will be around.



    do you remember how much they were.


    I think 5000bht with the chrome bits you see on the grill, not cheap but 100% stainless and very well made, no tarnish or rust after 2 years.:) I have seen cheaper but different design.

  4. Several years ago (in the mid to late 1990s) a Swiss Vet who had moved to BKK along with a few animal rights groups tried to convince the BKK Met authority to finance a neutering program which involved an injection which left every male dog sterile. While not a short term solution, this Vet reckoned it wold humanely halve BKK's dog problem in 5 years and almost eradicate it in a decade.

    Sadly the BKK authorities though that at a cost of 10B per injection the cost was prohibitive.

    Sounds about right, their decision that is. :rolleyes:

  5. Depends what they used as a '' mixer '', could have gummed things up and take a while for good gas to clean things up. I read somewhere that today's lead free gas is crap and has a shelf life of a few weeks, will still work if old but think it would not cause your problem.

    My fun car was left for months with unleaded in the tank, with an additive, not lead, to protect the engine, valves etc, same as leaded fuel, and never a problem on re-running the engine. :)

  6. Roaming dogs seem to cause more trouble than humans. On the road, going for a walk, what ever. My wife has two dogs, l hate them, when they get out they chase people on bikes or walking and l have told her they will bring trouble home one day, but it falls on typical Thai deaf ears.

    The world has kull's of animal species that are causing a problem, or over breeding and in LOS the dog's are a problem. And before the animal lovers have a go, to me, slaughtering dogs is no different to the slaughter of cow's, chickens, deer, what ever, yep, most kull's we eat, so recirculate the dog meat. .

  7. Cal Tex Techron Gold is 95 Benzine - like the old Shell V Power. The Techron Gold is selling today at close to 45 baht a liter. Not all CalTex stock this product. Look at the signboard facing the exit.

    Thanks, I know.

    Hi-octane available at airports ey? Hmmm. Would I have to buy a drum/barrel or is there a bowser?

    If I can bring a jerry can or 2, that would be fantastic.

    ULG RON110 would be great for mixing up a batch of 98. Straight 110 is way too high for the S6.

    Not sure if the wife would appreciate a petrol mixing operation at the house. :whistling:

    Warp, I will look into this and let you know.

    Bringing hi-octane from Phuket to BKK is out, but 50 baht a liter is a good price.

    So, just for fun, if I have Benzene95 and 110, what is the mix ratio to make 98?

    Is it just 20% 110 and 80% 95?

    So to fill a tank, say 60 liters, that comes to 12ltrs of RON110 and 48ltrs RON95.

    Assuming B50p/l for the 110 and B45p/l for the 95, that is 46 baht a liter.

    Hey, I could sell this to gear heads...on the down low of course... B)

    A foreigner with a backyard gas station. :lol:

    PTT will send assassins for sure :ph34r:

    Hi-octane thing of the past at airports :D, Spitfires are not go now. BUT l used to buy 115 octane in drums in UK. :)

    Don't quite understand your code talk, is that Navajo :blink::huh: ? But assuming it argues that high octane is no longer at airports all small engined airplanes such as Cessna's for example still use high octane pump gas.

    JFYI the Thai Airforce still uses Vietnam era single engined trainers.

    Yes you are right, :), my mind was at Swampy. :D

    With all honesty l forgot about all the wee prop jobs floating around up there. Oooooops, and big ones.

  8. Cal Tex Techron Gold is 95 Benzine - like the old Shell V Power. The Techron Gold is selling today at close to 45 baht a liter. Not all CalTex stock this product. Look at the signboard facing the exit.

    Thanks, I know.

    Hi-octane available at airports ey? Hmmm. Would I have to buy a drum/barrel or is there a bowser?

    If I can bring a jerry can or 2, that would be fantastic.

    ULG RON110 would be great for mixing up a batch of 98. Straight 110 is way too high for the S6.

    Not sure if the wife would appreciate a petrol mixing operation at the house. :whistling:

    Warp, I will look into this and let you know.

    Bringing hi-octane from Phuket to BKK is out, but 50 baht a liter is a good price.

    So, just for fun, if I have Benzene95 and 110, what is the mix ratio to make 98?

    Is it just 20% 110 and 80% 95?

    So to fill a tank, say 60 liters, that comes to 12ltrs of RON110 and 48ltrs RON95.

    Assuming B50p/l for the 110 and B45p/l for the 95, that is 46 baht a liter.

    Hey, I could sell this to gear heads...on the down low of course... B)

    A foreigner with a backyard gas station. :lol:

    PTT will send assassins for sure :ph34r:

    Hi-octane thing of the past at airports :D, Spitfires are not go now. BUT l used to buy 115 octane in drums in UK. :)

  9. Reading TVF over the years it's heartwarming to see the respect that a number of Thai wives show their western husbands. :(

    Yep, make a good poll. BUT honesty must prevail, which it could as nobody knows who voted. Ripped off or Not Ripped off. Problem would be is that many will not know they are being ripped off. :huh:

  10. ah let me throw my two pence in on this one!

    Guess is Dad told Daughter he needed some easy cash; she, realizing he is a no hoper and apt to blowing it all on Mekon for him and his buddies, says no, but together they strike a deal.

    She says she will ask for a Thai Wedding - they will split the envelope cash, he will ask for a stupid SinSod amount to pay for his gambling debts and cover his tab at the local shop, leaving him a little left over...

    The gold will be kept in the local Pawn shop until they can think of another scam!!

    In 2 years she will be off again to pick up the next aging farang to start the scheme again.

    38 years old and asking for more than a Million Baht - I know some things get better with age, but Thai women don't!

    Let me put this into context.

    I moved to Thailand to be with a Thai girl that I met in the UK, she seemed legit, had a nice job, some cash behind her, so when it came to her coming home I sold my houseand came with a suitcase full of dreams and a nice healthy bank account.

    Within a few days of arriving she started showing her true colours by asking for outrageous amounts of money here and there, acting all moody when I wouldn't buy her a THB 100k ring (not wedding or engagement, just something she liked) , not talking to me for days when I wouldn't buy her a THB 50,000 pair of earings, you know the type...

    Anyway, after few weeks of this BS she hits me with a "my (jobless) brother is in trouble for gambling, can he borrow THB 60,000?" line.

    My answer was a respounding no, saying i had met him once, thought he was a pr**k and that if I loaned him the cash :

    a) I would never see it again

    B) He would gamble that 60K instead of paying his bookie and be back to square one.

    He took the news well (read : said he wanted to kill me!) then about a month later she asks for 60K again. This time so he can buy into a local car wash with his buddies.

    Again my answer was no - see above reasons.

    Again with the threats.

    Well, lo and behold the rows grew and the fighting ensued till finally her old man called her asking for money from me, yes you guessed it he wanted sinsod to the value of THB 1m, plus gold to the tune of THB600k

    Well, as luck would have it, she was an out of towner (Issan) and was due to visit her old man that weekend, so I waved her off at the bus station with some extra pocket money and said I would follow a few days later to seal the deal with the old boy.

    As the bus pulled away I raced back to the apartment and packed my bags, sending her short but sweet sms to the note of "sorry, it isn't working, I am going back the uk" I threw my sim card away and set up home in the other side of town... never happier..

    That was some 7 years ago now and I have never heard from that money grabbing witch or her family since... OP - follow my advice - move on now!!!!

    Absolutely right. You did well to leg it.

    There's a sub-culture in Thailand that sadly tars all Thais with the same brush in the eyes of falangs.

    Without wanting to stereotype, I shall. Typically Issan, pretty much self-imposed poverty, shocking laziness, alcoholic father probably illiterate, gambling mother (she's trying to hit the big one so she can run, can't say I blame her), they usually have a son who thinks he's a big shot and goes through stunning amounts of money on all manner of vice. Throw 'face' in there, have to show off to neighbours, a complete lack of understanding of money and debt, always looking for instant gratification, no thoughts past tomorrow let alone 10 years time. Or even next week. Detest education, see no value in it.

    They go from one self-imposed crisis to the next, never make any progress. They feel it's their right to live off falang and ironically consider us a lower life form. That I find the truly ignorant part.

    This by the way was how a good Thai friend summed it all up to me.

    This is NOT Thais in general. This is a sub-culture. One to be avoided. Know the signs, cut losses, forget about them.

    Blimey, thats strange, my thoughts and experiences virtually word for word. :)

    Yup. This is the experience for most westerners who get involved with this sub-culture.

    Add to all that, anything you buy or build for them will be wrecked soon after. No servicing of vehicles, rarely is the house clean, electronics dropped . . .

    My fear for the OP's friend is if he has a child with this woman. Because then he's trapped for a couple of decades. Not good. Not good at all. :ph34r:

    AND l have seen a kid used as a lever against us (for want of a better word) weak farangs. Sorry, the word was ' caring ' farangs. ;)

  11. Yes, that is an awful story and it looks like it was done so that if he divorced the house wasn't his wife's to split the finances. Mum sure new what she was up to and unfortunately so does the wife.:ermm:

    It's sure, it's all about a mother trying to protect her daughter best interests.

    But when you compare to the way the other "local" son in law is treated, despite all the smiles and the welcomes, all this distrust, it really hurts.

    You are certainly casting this thievery in its best possible light. The fact this was all done without the husband's knowledge makes it certain it is a con. If he's wealthy otherwise he should be out the door never to see any of these people again. If he's not, he should be consulting a lawyer and heading to court. It is marital property.

    edit: I see he bought it prior to the wediing which would not make it marital property. Still if he can show the paper trail of his funds he should prevail in court. Life's not going to get better for him.

    Agree, if it were me l would be gutted, ooops, gutted, perhaps the outlaws next step. :huh:

  12. ah let me throw my two pence in on this one!

    Guess is Dad told Daughter he needed some easy cash; she, realizing he is a no hoper and apt to blowing it all on Mekon for him and his buddies, says no, but together they strike a deal.

    She says she will ask for a Thai Wedding - they will split the envelope cash, he will ask for a stupid SinSod amount to pay for his gambling debts and cover his tab at the local shop, leaving him a little left over...

    The gold will be kept in the local Pawn shop until they can think of another scam!!

    In 2 years she will be off again to pick up the next aging farang to start the scheme again.

    38 years old and asking for more than a Million Baht - I know some things get better with age, but Thai women don't!

    Let me put this into context.

    I moved to Thailand to be with a Thai girl that I met in the UK, she seemed legit, had a nice job, some cash behind her, so when it came to her coming home I sold my houseand came with a suitcase full of dreams and a nice healthy bank account.

    Within a few days of arriving she started showing her true colours by asking for outrageous amounts of money here and there, acting all moody when I wouldn't buy her a THB 100k ring (not wedding or engagement, just something she liked) , not talking to me for days when I wouldn't buy her a THB 50,000 pair of earings, you know the type...

    Anyway, after few weeks of this BS she hits me with a "my (jobless) brother is in trouble for gambling, can he borrow THB 60,000?" line.

    My answer was a respounding no, saying i had met him once, thought he was a pr**k and that if I loaned him the cash :

    a) I would never see it again

    B) He would gamble that 60K instead of paying his bookie and be back to square one.

    He took the news well (read : said he wanted to kill me!) then about a month later she asks for 60K again. This time so he can buy into a local car wash with his buddies.

    Again my answer was no - see above reasons.

    Again with the threats.

    Well, lo and behold the rows grew and the fighting ensued till finally her old man called her asking for money from me, yes you guessed it he wanted sinsod to the value of THB 1m, plus gold to the tune of THB600k

    Well, as luck would have it, she was an out of towner (Issan) and was due to visit her old man that weekend, so I waved her off at the bus station with some extra pocket money and said I would follow a few days later to seal the deal with the old boy.

    As the bus pulled away I raced back to the apartment and packed my bags, sending her short but sweet sms to the note of "sorry, it isn't working, I am going back the uk" I threw my sim card away and set up home in the other side of town... never happier..

    That was some 7 years ago now and I have never heard from that money grabbing witch or her family since... OP - follow my advice - move on now!!!!

    Absolutely right. You did well to leg it.

    There's a sub-culture in Thailand that sadly tars all Thais with the same brush in the eyes of falangs.

    Without wanting to stereotype, I shall. Typically Issan, pretty much self-imposed poverty, shocking laziness, alcoholic father probably illiterate, gambling mother (she's trying to hit the big one so she can run, can't say I blame her), they usually have a son who thinks he's a big shot and goes through stunning amounts of money on all manner of vice. Throw 'face' in there, have to show off to neighbours, a complete lack of understanding of money and debt, always looking for instant gratification, no thoughts past tomorrow let alone 10 years time. Or even next week. Detest education, see no value in it.

    They go from one self-imposed crisis to the next, never make any progress. They feel it's their right to live off falang and ironically consider us a lower life form. That I find the truly ignorant part.

    This by the way was how a good Thai friend summed it all up to me.

    This is NOT Thais in general. This is a sub-culture. One to be avoided. Know the signs, cut losses, forget about them.

    Blimey, thats strange, my thoughts and experiences virtually word for word. :)

  13. In the AN system the - number is the size in 1/16 of an inch

    For example the -8 I want is 8/16 or 1/2 inch

    -8 hose is 7/16, -10 is 9/16, -12 is 11/16 inside diameters as can be read on Speedflows site. These are the same inside ID's that l found on my plumbing years ago. Hose ends can have a smaller ID than the hose, especially on some manufacturers bends, check them out first. I actually drilled out some low pressure ends to maintain a constant ID.

    Sorry mistake in my earlier quote, l used -10 cos it was a tad over half inch.:)

    Look at my Avatar, carb fuel lines. -10 to Y block then twin -8 to carb.

    Oooooops, sorry correction, fuel line was -8 to twin -6 carb, -6 to NOS solenoid. :)

  14. A friend of mine told me his story lately. He too was not comfortable with the sinsod idea, so a compromise was found. Before getting married he will buy the house where they will live with his wife to show his commitment to the relation, he will of course pay for the wedding and the enveloppes in the guest box will go to the family. It was fair and the wedding went ahead.The marriage was very nice in a top Bangkok hotel, the family had a good deal the enveloppes were worth a few hundred thousand bahts but as his wife explained, her parents had paid enveloppe for friends and relatives for years, they were just kind of getting their money back. Everything was fine.

    Then last year two major things happen. The younger sister got married. they had a very nice engagement party where the sinsod was given. The groom who is not so wealthy had to borrow gold from his boss but everything was returned after the ceremony. The wedding took place in a nice place . Just before the end , the boxes were opened, from the amount collected the newly married couple paid the reception bills and kept the balance. The groom wasn't very rich so my friend didn't really mind that he had to pay everything and got noithing while his new brother in law ...

    But the worst came a couple of month later. My friend and his wife had to fill some paper, insurance ... for some new investments they're doing when he realized the house has been put under the mother name. The wife told him it was just part of the original agreement but she didn't tell him because she was afraid he will get upset ... After they left the lawyer, my friend went back to work and went back home ... three days later !

    He knows his wife feels terrible about the all story but she went along anyway ... He told me he's not so sure if their relation can survive his deep feeling to have been screwed. He can't see his mother in law anymore without feeling like spitting in her face.

    He told me the worst is he has now the best relation in the world with his father in law who turned out to be a very straight guy. I realize I forgot to say that the father was at the beginning opposed to the marriage and was asking an outrageously high sinsod when the mother in law stepped in to to broker the deal .....

    In a word . . . thieves.

    Yes, that is an awful story and it looks like it was done so that if he divorced the house wasn't his wife's to split the finances. Mum sure new what she was up to and unfortunately so does the wife.:ermm:

    They did this to me but under my instruction. Wife was off with a real degenerate, house at risk because of gambling etc. MIL had rescued the deeds, I took them to the local land office to put in MIL's and kids' name. Out of harms way, kids have a nice safe home without the risk of loosing it. Stability.

    What this blokes MIL was thinking was likely the house needs to be secured for the daughter. It's not all about the parents grabbing money for themselves but in my experience they are looking out for their own children and grand children, certainly the case here where this poor old goat worries about how her children will have an income later on, borrows from the bank, buys land, farms the hell out it and pays it off. They're in their thirties now! :annoyed:

    He's still been done like a kipper though, as many of us are.

    Agree, BUT the wife agreed or planned it behind hubbies back, not thinking of him for sure, if all goes tit's up, she grabs the lot via mum, to my way of thinking the wife's idea, knows the ins and outs. . :huh:

  15. A friend of mine told me his story lately. He too was not comfortable with the sinsod idea, so a compromise was found. Before getting married he will buy the house where they will live with his wife to show his commitment to the relation, he will of course pay for the wedding and the enveloppes in the guest box will go to the family. It was fair and the wedding went ahead.The marriage was very nice in a top Bangkok hotel, the family had a good deal the enveloppes were worth a few hundred thousand bahts but as his wife explained, her parents had paid enveloppe for friends and relatives for years, they were just kind of getting their money back. Everything was fine.

    Then last year two major things happen. The younger sister got married. they had a very nice engagement party where the sinsod was given. The groom who is not so wealthy had to borrow gold from his boss but everything was returned after the ceremony. The wedding took place in a nice place . Just before the end , the boxes were opened, from the amount collected the newly married couple paid the reception bills and kept the balance. The groom wasn't very rich so my friend didn't really mind that he had to pay everything and got noithing while his new brother in law ...

    But the worst came a couple of month later. My friend and his wife had to fill some paper, insurance ... for some new investments they're doing when he realized the house has been put under the mother name. The wife told him it was just part of the original agreement but she didn't tell him because she was afraid he will get upset ... After they left the lawyer, my friend went back to work and went back home ... three days later !

    He knows his wife feels terrible about the all story but she went along anyway ... He told me he's not so sure if their relation can survive his deep feeling to have been screwed. He can't see his mother in law anymore without feeling like spitting in her face.

    He told me the worst is he has now the best relation in the world with his father in law who turned out to be a very straight guy. I realize I forgot to say that the father was at the beginning opposed to the marriage and was asking an outrageously high sinsod when the mother in law stepped in to to broker the deal .....

    In a word . . . thieves.

    Yes, that is an awful story and it looks like it was done so that if he divorced the house wasn't his wife's to split the finances. Mum sure new what she was up to and unfortunately so does the wife.:ermm:

  16. In the AN system the - number is the size in 1/16 of an inch

    For example the -8 I want is 8/16 or 1/2 inch

    -8 hose is 7/16, -10 is 9/16, -12 is 11/16 inside diameters as can be read on Speedflows site. These are the same inside ID's that l found on my plumbing years ago. Hose ends can have a smaller ID than the hose, especially on some manufacturers bends, check them out first. I actually drilled out some low pressure ends to maintain a constant ID.

    Sorry mistake in my earlier quote, l used -10 cos it was a tad over half inch.:)

    Look at my Avatar, carb fuel lines. -10 to Y block then twin -8 to carb.

  17. 1 million baht makes you far from being rich, but it is still a lot of money.

    Anybody who says it is not a lot of money are either rich, classless oafs or they are just lying.

    1 million Dollars makes you far from being rich, but it still is a lot of money.

    Anybody who says that 1 million Baht is a lot of money is either a poor, classless oaf or he is just lying.

    That didn't take long!

    Yes, sooner than l thought. :rolleyes:

  18. -6 is 3/8" and -4 is 1/4", -10 is 5/8" , -12 is 3/4", -16 is 1". As far as I know.


    Its a bit mad the imperial reference to size's, being from Europe I,m more used to the nominal i.d. size of hoses in mm.

    When constructing my oil system using Aeroquip or Earls stuff, l went to -12 cos it was a tad over half inch and some fitting internal diameters on fittings were under hose size. No way did l have 3/4 inch, anywhere with -12..

  19. These 37.5 degree fiitings you refer to are JIC ( 37 degree) ?

    Male nipple / female swivel nut ? The size 8, is half inch I believe.

    I have ordered 4.5 kilometres of hose for our Tunnel Boring Machines in Singapore.

    Have a look at this pdf, but its quite a large download at 2.4mb.


    This is all high pressure hydraulics though, perhaps not what you're after for use on the low pressure and anodised ,compression type fitting.

    Or go to this page.


    All this is made in Malaysia, some of their hose is from Europe.

    The systems I have run at up to 350 bar.

    -10 is around half inch ID but beware that some fittings inside ID is well below hose ID. :huh:

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