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Posts posted by transam

  1. In Isaan life it is endemic, they know know different. My wife's sister (55) who has never worked a day in her life, spends every day working out who to borrow money from, spends her day drinking Heineken while hubby, a low paid government official has himself to borrow from his pension to fix her fixation with borrowing, buying beer, playing cards and buying the winning lotto ticket, crazy, but endemic. :rolleyes:

    PS. Must add, back street lending is a risky business in itself, as a borrower can pay little money to blow the brains out of a lender to close the debt.


    I usually agree with your posts, but this seems quite extreme to me. My wife's aunt sounds very much like your wife's sister...not a pot to pee in, drunk all the time...but that would make her the deadbeat known to the village as a poor risk for lending. As to blowing someone away over a 20,000 baht debt? Never heard of it happening around here.

    The Thais we know need to be able to borrow to grow the rice they must have to live. They are hard-working down to earth people, and thus seem to us to be very likely to honor their obligations. Again, it's a "face thing".

    mario299 :blink:

    My wife's wayward daughter borrowed money from lowlife money lenders and they took the bike l bought her as security. I went ballistic and went to find these guys, just to get the bike back. Mrs went and talked and said they have a gun. She was told the bike wasn't there, to come back in two days, which we did. Got the bike and sold it, no more problem.

    My point is there are all sorts of money lenders out there, the ones a villager might of known for years and the other who charge horrendous interest and back it up with intimidation, and visa versa, lowlife borrowing cash and not paying it back.

  2. In Isaan life it is endemic, they know know different. My wife's sister (55) who has never worked a day in her life, spends every day working out who to borrow money from, spends her day drinking Heineken while hubby, a low paid government official has himself to borrow from his pension to fix her fixation with borrowing, buying beer, playing cards and buying the winning lotto ticket, crazy, but endemic. :rolleyes:

    PS. Must add, back street lending is a risky business in itself, as a borrower can pay little money to blow the brains out of a lender to close the debt.

  3. And why should someone who doesn't have 2 shekels to rub together be asked to look after your mother. Is that their tradition? You chose to marry a thai girl then follow their tradition. If you don't want to do that then don't be surprised if she finds someone else. If she still wants you then well done and good luck.

    It's pretty much that simple.

    Think you don't understand the meaning of love between two people, has nothing to do with money. When my mum and dad married back in the 1940's they were pot less, and so were the parents. You think it's OK in this day and age to sell a daughter, cos thats what sin sod is. ;)

    Yes, my parents were pretty much broke back then too when they married. But I'm sure that if, just for the sake of it, my mother was penniless and my father was loaded then her family would not be all that chuffed if he never offered a brass razoo to her familly for assistance. I myself would feel pretty bad about my father if that was the case and he didn't offer my mothers family a slightly better life.

    A sin sod is selling the daughter? You are thinking as a farang.

    In some countries it is the woman who pays the man, I don't think they consider there son to be sold and I won't start to try and think as a thai, far too hard for me. I just accept it is the way a lot of them think and their tradition.

    I don't like it but I understand it happens and if you have a girl that wants it as part of the marriage then up to you whether you want to be with her or not.

    But if you don't believe in it or want to do it then that's a matter for you, doesn't worry me in the slightest if you won't marry a girl because of the sin sod. You'll just have a girl that doesn't want it. Simple. Those that accept it, pay it, those that don't, don't. I'm sure there are plenty to go around for all.

    But you must understand that the sin sod thing is history, unless you marry into a poor waaaaaay behind family that lives in the past. Everything moves on, :).

    When a farang '' millionaire '' is involved then, miraculously it comes into play.

    I have had people cuing up for free beer, pay THEIR hospital bills cos l am a '' millionaire '', don't see them now, why. :unsure:

  4. Have 2 Olds Cutlass, one 74 - 4 door and one 81 - 2 door coupe. Both in excellent condition, correct registered with V8 fuel injected engines. Willing to sell one, if someone is seroius. PM me for details, if you are interested.

    Hi stingray, thought we'd lost you. :)

  5. And why should someone who doesn't have 2 shekels to rub together be asked to look after your mother. Is that their tradition? You chose to marry a thai girl then follow their tradition. If you don't want to do that then don't be surprised if she finds someone else. If she still wants you then well done and good luck.

    It's pretty much that simple.

    Think you don't understand the meaning of love between two people, has nothing to do with money. When my mum and dad married back in the 1940's they were pot less, and so were the parents. You think it's OK in this day and age to sell a daughter, cos thats what sin sod is. ;)

  6. How about a motorbike 237mph in 5.96 secs.

    And a technological bike the Y2K 320 HP standing start 270mph in 14 sec

    And a GSX-R1000 standing start goes 122mph in 5.69 sec on just a stock motor.:lol::lol: :lol:

    Don't want to turn this into bikes vs cars, but...

    1st is a drag bike, so about 50% slower than it's 4-wheeled equivelent. 2nd bike is jet powered, so about half as fast as 4-wheel equiv.

    The GSX-R1000 does a low 10's at best over the 1/4 mile - about the same straight-line speed as the

    , but way slower than the Atom around corners ;)

    For a GSX-R1000 to get into the 5's over the 1/4, it'd need ~1000HP which is a bit more than it's standard 190HP, oh a whopping rear tire and much longer wheelbase, hehe :D

    Think the 5 second is over eight mile strip to believe eh. :D

  7. my answer is very simple, if you love and respect your thai wife then you must also show your respect to her family and pay up. 100,000 is the average for me anyway, im by no means loaded !! it discusts me and angers me to hear these wingeing farang men grovelling about how much to pay . what would you give a foreign wife ? gold, clothes, holidays, why should thai woman be treated any differently ? treat them with respect and love and that is what you will get back !! well most of us anyway , if your half wise, if you want to be a fool then be a fool.

    But as l recall what you talk hasn't happened to you in your case. :huh:

    Also your list, most Thai wives get all those goodies too. :D

    My wife's daughter marries next month, the Thai groom will put 100,000 on the table for traditions sake, then put it back in his pocket.

    Farangland, the father of the bride 'used' to pay for the wedding, tradition, but now in reality the couple pays for it all.

  8. With my Vigo 2009 petrol automatic 2.8 litre I find that there is no difference in the apparent running, power on hills etc seem about the same, no pinging, however there is a difference in fuel consumption and that is more or about the same as the difference in price. I use gasohol exclusively now.

    your inline 4 is 2,7 litre :)

    ok a typo....still a reasonably good allrouder.

    But under powered for a big ride, quiet but........... ;)

  9. you lot are very sad and need to get a life.

    i;m back to the bike forum were i belong.

    kawaski you will never get that bike your under the fumb too much

    and whats the point when you can not go anywhere on your own........:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

    <deleted>, my 2 ton dinosaur street car ran faster than your quick bikes over the quarter mile drag strip. Get a life man or wake up. :rolleyes:

  10. Thai tradition, hah. It's Thai tradition to take care of their elderly parents, my wife's hi-so sisters who got their degrees financed by mum and dad give absolutely sod all to widowed mum. :ermm:

    Why on earth would they when there is a farang around to take on the responsibility?

    You could be right. 7 kids, 3 help mum. The excuse is that the others are paying for their kids uni, <deleted>, their mum made sacrifices for her old age income from her hi-so kids. The low-so kids help their mum. :ermm: BUT, my point is Thai tradition, sin sod, take care of mum, naaaaah, only when it suits.

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