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Everything posted by transam

  1. If those 300+ Iranian airborne stuff had not been intercepted, what would the carnage have been........😱 Iran didn't send a couple over to make a point, they sent a lot of money in hardware to do a job which failed via steadfast support and tech.. Iran has crossed the line, or should I say, the religious nuts have crossed the line, not those Iranians that want to live a peaceful life........
  2. Rented house.....🤭
  3. It is not a nightmare for the aggrieved and her farangy partner....🤗 Any of us, in the Land of Smiles, should think first, before lashing out, especially a farangy with business interests...........
  4. Not many can beat your 50 years of extensions......
  5. As a British subject, I have never been to Blackpool and ever wanted too... Where are you from...? 🤭
  6. Great idea, leave the gate open for the Iranian terrorist country...🙄 Why do you think your small home country is secure without using their nuclear arsenal.....?..
  7. It is not the same as last year, or the year before, in fact I have been in my house for 17 years, this is the first time I have noticed a real difference in temp... It has been in the 40's in my garden....To hot to venture into for the first time ever. You need to take notice of folk on the ground, not your keyboard, as you did with Covid.....
  8. Are you sure it is silicone and not an acrylic sealer...? But, in the DIY store there are a zillion to choose from, look at the more expensive brand name ones....😋
  9. It has been at my house, ask the cat's, dog and my bedroom A/C and electric bill about the few weeks of heatwave..🤔
  10. Do consulates run as private enterprise, can they do what they like, hide/shield who they like. I don't know, but I am sure you will clarify for me......😉
  11. Your first para, I find it strange that some here don't understand that. But then again, it is probably that they don't want to understand it, because of their own personal agenda......
  12. You will be surprised at the number of people that say that, and I really don't know why, Nige...
  13. A Consulate is not an Embassy..........😉
  14. 😂....So you want a one-way street, eh, not from me...................😂
  15. Nice try, no cigar though...........
  16. 😂............I had a good laugh at that..........😂
  17. Well, just look at his avatar.............😂
  18. Are you sitting somewhere in the USA.......? 🤒
  19. Isn't there a voting system for that in the USA......? 🤔 So it would seem not only are you anti-Jew, you are Pro-Muslim, the reason why you make excuses for terrorists, and lambast Thai folk talking to you in English........🤔
  20. No, they could be out checking on dodgy farangy's......😛
  21. Scan and colour print it now, cut it out and put it in your passport.........😉
  22. You missed out one word, "terrorists", that goes in between many and inside....😉 In which case, probably............
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