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Everything posted by transam

  1. So, the R.A.F. you served in, bombed avoiding civilians....? When German cities were flattened, women and children were never killed or injured...? You know the answer as well as I do, of course they were, same as any war, same in this war, not nice, but an aggressor must be dealt with....
  2. I believe that post was not aimed at you, it was the Aussie and Thai bloke......🤭 But still, nobody has provided evidence that the IDF were ordered to kill women and children..........🤔
  3. If he does, it's definitely rubber gloves on.....🥺
  4. You won't get, one, twisting facts is the only thing a few on here have.........
  5. Yes, even Thais that speak to you in English........😝
  6. Trolling now, but expected, you have nothing, you are cornered........🤗
  7. You are twisting MY words, you joined the R.A.F., did the R.A.F. use bombers that killed anything under them, including children...Yes or No......?
  8. So bombing in any war excludes killing children...............🙄 Vietnam, Korea, Germany, Japan, England etc, etc, children were taken into consideration regarding bombing, you are joking...............🙄 I know I shouldn't laugh, but I am laughing at you.......😂
  9. I asked for proof, IDF ordered to kill women and children, you have nothing.........🤗 Just the fatalities of war figures......🙄
  10. That is no answer, casualties of this war does not mean, or has been stated, execute women and children...... You were in the military, you joined up, you understood the job, the job the military does, kill, and in any war civilians get killed, you knew that when you joined, now you are questioning Israel for doing what you joined the military for....🤔
  11. That is not an answer to my question, which was, has the IDF been ordered to execute women and children, which to me has been implied....? 🤔
  12. Is that from experience......?...............😃...............
  13. Best ask them....... https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/84708-bringing-currency-in-and-out-of-thailand?page=5d6636ce15e39c3bd000734d&menu=5d6636ce15e39c3bd000734e
  14. Have IDF been told to execute women and children....?
  15. You remind me of finding a screw loose.....🤗 You just don't like opinions, resort to slagging off, but, never mind, not serious yet......😉
  16. Does an alternator or starter motor ever fail...? Of course, they do. I really don't know why you have written that lot, I have been fiddling with engines most of my life........
  17. Eeeeer, I seem to have struck a nerve. Calm down, it's only a motoring thread, chap, with views from different angles.......🤭 As for dense...........😂
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