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Everything posted by transam

  1. Noooo, he's harmless having a bit of fun, perhaps a bit crackers, but then, most of us are, to a degree...πŸ˜‰
  2. I think they are getting fed up with drunk tourist near all year round, but they need them to earn a living. The hi-so farangy's are a different matter, they try it on as being a hi-so, but when the hi-so is cornered, THAT"S when Thai folk show their disdain, take kicker Dave, for instance, trounced by the Thai public and more........😒 Which is a lesson for any farangy hi-so wannabe out there.......🀭
  3. I don't think Thai folk are all the same...............πŸ€—
  4. Agree, and plan long range trips wiv loads of charge stations on route just in case there are queues or out of order.........
  5. What a load of nonsense................🀣 Blame everyone except the land grab invader.........πŸ˜‚ You are a Putin apologist, Putin is a criminal, a fact. You are embarrassing....Franky....... πŸ€”
  6. Have a read of this, then talk to the Mrs, at a safe distance.... https://perfecthomes.co.th/yellow-book-tabien-baan-thailand/
  7. Show this pic to your Mrs, point out the one on the right is for a farangy at the address....
  8. Perhaps she doesn't know you cannot go in the blue book, you get a yellow farangy book, when you've got that you can get the pink ID card..........
  9. Well I was going to say farangy's can't go in the blue book, but I am not up-to-date with all that stuff.........
  10. None of us were there.........
  11. Says the bloke that charges at home.........πŸ€—
  12. If the Thai bloke pulled out without looking, he is at fault, regardless of the speed of traffic on the road he pulled out on......
  13. Yes they do, and is something all of us should be aware of when driving/riding....πŸ€—
  14. Try April Fools' Day for an explanation..........🀭
  15. Hmmm, just imagine it being like when fuel was rationed, queues all the way down the street, but in this case, an hour per top up.........πŸ˜‚
  16. Steady on, ol' chap......🧐
  17. Who's confused, a 2 week expat.........? ...............πŸ˜‚
  18. Are you having a slow day............πŸ˜‚ 🀭 https://mylofamily.com/parenting/babynames/meaning-of-charly-17500 https://en.nomorigine.com/origin-of-firstname/charly/ Please check with Google before you post....... Plus the name CHARLY, is related to France, Belgium and a few other places......🀭 Anything else I can help you with today.......πŸ˜‚
  19. Was that in Thailand..........? πŸ€—
  20. I did................ https://charlies-names.com/en/charly/ Please check Google before you post...........🀭
  21. Now that's better, worth waiting for...........
  22. The Guardian................
  23. With what evidence will you show.......? πŸ˜‰
  24. No, seems you have too many question marks in your story... What does your receipt say, everyone gets a receipt....? Post it here...πŸ€—
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