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Everything posted by transam

  1. A vast % number of cysts have to be surgically removed, to remove the sack the cr@p lives and grows in. I hope this helps you understand........🤭
  2. Perhaps they sell a lot of stuff, you should be pleased for them.......
  3. Spoken like a true lefty...................Well done..........
  4. Oooh, the wall, lucky the USA didn't think like you in 1941, isn't it..........🤔
  5. It's what he does...................................🤔
  6. Because you need to remove the sack........
  7. You're an odd-ball creep, with a strange hobby..... https://parade.com/culture/what-type-of-cancer-does-kate-middleton-have
  8. I thought so, same as the pension thread, nothing.........
  9. You would know...........
  10. Did they get the names wrong......? 🤔 I was thinking about starting my own online course.......
  11. You are wrong, Mr.Alphabet, if you don't like Bob's wit, it could be you're getting grumpy in your old age....
  12. Doubt it, you're always on here.........
  13. The whole country, eh................🤣
  14. At least they had the balls to do so, look how the other lot let Corbyn & Abbott get away with murder............🤭
  15. Such as........? 🤔
  16. I think you are getting confused with someone else.............🤔
  17. Why not, perhaps both are useless..............
  18. Did you mean, "I am too stupid to explain further"........😉
  19. Only one drug crazed farangy in Pattaya.....
  20. Probably not far off the mark, though changing rooms were not mentioned..........
  21. The blokes a fruitcake........ The law should show all what happens to these nutters..🤔
  22. It would seem, not the puffers that smell like a farmyard......😝
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