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Everything posted by transam

  1. Yet, and very strange she is hiding out of the way, eh......🤭 Now you have a leader that has a problem with "white" people, how embarrassing for you Scots...........😂 And the bloke is trying to break up the UK, whodaguessed...............🤣
  2. I would think so, just copy the pages......My yellow book does the same job...🤗
  3. The police used a lot of resources regarding your previous dodgy leader......
  4. I was wondering the same thing, a breath of fresh air for many...............
  5. Perhaps now he is in a position of authority, he can now show his true colours........
  6. Yes, I understand, you're beginning to make Dolf look normal..........😬
  7. I don't own a car, but what about your Honda Click.........
  8. ............and MG..........🤭
  9. It was all that was needed...........😉
  10. I think you need to read the whole story first, and perhaps watch the video before you make a comment........
  11. Cheap skate.........
  12. They keep telling me that too, but I know I won't.........😄
  13. What a very "sad" post, you should be ashamed of yourself................
  14. I don't doubt that...........🤭
  15. You can't blame her, if it were the other way round, would probably be the same. She has probably had legal bod's knocking at the door with promises. And to be fair, only one person is responsible, a Mr.Angry Swiss bloke....🤗
  16. Yes, I know how to run my A/C and ceiling fans, been doing it here for a long time.. But at my age, and financial outlay for solar is a no-no for me and most of my friends to even think about....... I don't need A/C downstairs, 4 ceiling fans and cold floors do the job, plus the upstairs heat buffer. I only need my twin inverter A/C in the bedroom when I get there...🤗
  17. I don't think an MG will have the front to park next to a BMW, it makes them feel inferior....😂
  18. None of my local friends with houses have solar panels, nor do I, and I can safely say that in my area very few do, so nothing to do with condo's...🤔
  19. How I would love Humza to be summoned...........
  20. Nooooooooo, surely not...............😱
  21. Time for your bed, it's gone 6pm...........
  22. His boyfriend................🤣
  23. I think Dolf must do, he's on here 24/7.............😂
  24. Yep, I think I am saying I would not rely on the pink card if I was not in my area...It would be embarrassing being told to go away....😋
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