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Everything posted by transam

  1. So McTrump is brill in your opinion, but tell, me why does trouble follow him around..? He obviously got his money by being a wideboy, a chancer, but sadly for him, he has been found out. How could the bloke control the country with list of impending court cases to deal with....How.........? 😝
  2. Thailand is not other countries, I have no doubt that in a few other countries the blokes would now be in a box.....πŸ€—
  3. Mrs.T is not impressed, it's on the TV now...........😱 Here son is a cop, a fully trained 'arms' instructor, if it were him, it may have been a different ending, but he is not anyway connect with traffic, unless he was passing.... πŸ˜‰
  4. At my place, downstairs is usually OK, but I have 4 ceiling and one pedestal fan going at the mo, as it is waaay hotter than usual. Never needed A/C downstairs, upstairs is a different story. Living on the edge of a lake helps, water table under the house, floor tiles always cool...........πŸ€— You live in one room then, well, I suppose many do, chin up, it will cool down the end of next month. Even too hot for me to mow the lawn today.......πŸ₯΅
  5. Estrogen, helps with all sorts of female things..........πŸ€—
  6. So you think these 2 taking the law into their own hands was the right way to go.....πŸ˜‚ I get annoyed at anyone dishing out agro, even the Swiss bloke that kicked a lady doctor, etc, etc.........πŸ€”
  7. I have nothing against anyone until they start attacking folk, it is clear these 2 did... That photo of the Thai cop being held down was enough to make anyone's blood boil...😬 Do you see something different then.......? πŸ€”
  8. Oh dear, still concentrating on a blokes physical condition, but not surprised, because you have nothing else, it seems.............
  9. Yes, we know, a nice Turkish Cypriot bloke......πŸ€—
  10. Are you a NZ yobbo too.........? 😬
  11. This is a more serious criminal matter than normally comes from low-life farangy's.. In the present anti-farangy times, I reckon these two scrotes have buried themselves, in fact, looking at the photos, the damming evidence, a custodial is the only route for the Judiciary to go. What a couple of donkeys.....
  12. Chris has his say.................
  13. Good morning Franky, No, you're wrong, I am nowhere near the age of Biden, and your assumption just shows you have nowhere else to go but imply daft innuendoes. Replying to you is just like thinking about mowing the lawn or not, I don't like mowing the lawn......
  14. Don't MG make them, then.......?
  15. Synthetic hats, T-shirts, spectacles, backpacks, shoes all worn by these twits, are made from oil..... To think, they think they have the intelligence to be doctors...........πŸ™„
  16. You got me thinking of my first "Love" now, blimey, well over half a century back......
  17. Thais with a decent job retire at 60, Thailand is being very generous allowing farangy's to retire here at 50., I would have thought...πŸ€—
  18. Maybe because an airbag at near 20 years old has been found to deteriorate, well it does have a 'BANG' thing inside.....😱 Perhaps your ride wasn't designed to last that long.....πŸ˜‹..........🀭
  19. Dianne Abbott is also a racist herself, and supporter of terrorist groups, sadly the folk who vote for her are too thick to know anything about that, probably dribbling over her false promises...😬
  20. I dare not reply to that.................
  21. I covered that by "Fresh Starter"....πŸ˜‡
  22. "Israeli terrorists", it is obvious where you are coming from, you are an antisemite, so don't deny it, you embarrass yourself, actually, daily.....πŸ€”
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