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Posts posted by transam

  1. 11 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    You keep tugging that forelock, Tranny - your betters still laugh at you and look down on you like they always have, but they appreciate you more because without pliant and weak proles such as yourself, their position might be in danger.

    All that is in your lefty, Scottish independence head............🤕

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  2. 5 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    A really silly idea.


    At present we have a good, if under resourced Army.


    This will saddle the army with legions of unwilling recruits, which it neither wants, needs, can equip or train properly. 12 months is not enough time to make half useful soldiers, all It can do is prepare them for future reserve service, which of course they would not undertake. Our existing regular professional soldiers will have to spend their time training "National Service Conscripts" rather than practicing their professional skills. There is not the accommodation for them, the training facilities or the equipment; you won't get away with putting them in 20 man rooms in huts, not in 2025!


    I am sure exactly the same arguements apply to the Police and NHS.

    I thought conscripts were kept away from the career soldiers.

    It may help with the drug problem too, teach them a bit of respect that they may not be taught at home.

    Fewer yobs on the street sounds good to me too.

    As for the infrastructure, loads of ex military bases not in use, oh, except for the illegals..😉

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  3. 1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:


    And make the prospect of a career in the armed forces desirable and without restriction or limit depending upon status. Little Lord Fauntleroy shouldn't be guaranteed a commission because his father is a Wykehamist while a more capable and creative comprehensive lad has to tug the forelock for all his days in service.


    Oh, the envy of some people..........:coffee1:

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  4. My monthly bill is usually between 1300 and 1600bht, I only use A/C in my bedroom to cool it for a few hours then the ceiling fan takes over, downstairs has never needed A/C, but this year it would have been helpful, downstairs is open plan with 4 ceiling fans, usually 2 on all day.

    The bill this year for March/April was 2100bht, for April/May, it was 2400bht..

    2 of my friends doubled to over 5000bht.......😬

  5. 9 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    Yes, as so many people are using Facebook, it becomes a part of the world we are living in. Or do you have another explanation? Please read on image below before digging yourself deeper in the mud. Apparently we have over 3 billion fools in the world according to you. We must be very lucky to have such a smart person like you here, to correct so many people.


    That´s just pure BS. How did you try and contact them? Did you go to every service center in supermarkets for a week. The only thing you needed to do, was call phone service, as all Thai banks have the option to choose and speak English. It takes about 20 minutes if you call during busy hours. Otherwise done and over in 5.

    Seems you envy anything, anyone that makes money (and has a Luxury Villa).

    I think you should mind your own business how folk get their enjoyment, whether it is Facebook or even this forum.

    You just carry on living in your own lonely, racist, existence world...... 🤔

  6. 6 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Of course PEA gave me a bill, just like all the bills for the last 6 plus years. Electric bills go up a lot, and many people wonder why. You actually trust an electric company to be totally honest? Bills for electricity are based in Texas as they are here. Mine and a few others in my neighborhood's bill rose a few times when the usage was the same as the months before. Their explanation was they had to pay more from where they got their electricity. This does not explain why just a few people I talked to had bills that were higher with the same usage and others did not rise.


    Like I said. I did not water my grass but two times last month. I usually water it every other day, using my pump. I did not have to refill my water tank as much also, using less electricity. My lawn is very large and includes trees. The heat was higher last month than usual, so I did use more AC, but with less pump usage and the fact I wasn't home for 9 days, the bill should have been much the same as the month before, or even less. Not 500 baht more.


    Like I also said, I will go to PEA and compare the last few months bills for usage and see what they say, but again, I don't think I'll get the answer I expect. Electric companies are a business, and as many businesses worldwide, they are out to make money, and some aren't honest when they do business, especially when it involves thousands of people.


    Texas didn't have a legitimate explanation to answer why our bills went up when they should have matched others in our area, especially when ours and their usage was about the same. There was two I remember who's bills went up over a hundred dollars, and one wasn't home that month. The other said his usage was much the same as before. The one who wasn't home had his bill lowered, and they didn't explain what happened. The other's bill wasn't changed, which also shows things aren't just rotten in Denmark.

    Surely your meter isn't being controlled by a guy in a PEA office somewhere....

    Where I live, ALL my friends are paying near double during this incredibly hot year, including me...

    But checking the previous bills with meter readings shows fridge/freezer, A/C, fans etc have been working overtime.

    Though I do look forward to you coming up with evidence that PEA has stitched you and your chums up...😋

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  7. 13 minutes ago, retarius said:

    From my perspective the UK is pushing escalation of a European war, and has posed relentlessly for it. If I had a child of military age I'd send him to the US or Canada for his tertiary education and early work experience. Having said that there don't seem to be many prospects for kids in the UK, maybe I'd send the kids anyway. 

    Good idea, you could join them.........:intheclub:

    But of course you have conveniently forgot to peace time during 1918 and 1939, when the alias took their eyes off the ball to let Germany build a massive army to start another war.

    This time around, the UK and the EU haven't, as we're now dealing with a Hitler Mk.II.


    Though I think you will be OK in Canada......:drunk:

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  8. 54 minutes ago, KhunLA said:









    "The Chinese automotive assault on Fortress Europe has shifted to the next level with MG’s category win in the German Car of the Year (GCOTY) awards."


    Not British then...............🤣

    But I am happy you found "something" to make you feel better...🤗

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