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Everything posted by transam

  1. Well, after reading that lot, it seems the bloke is on a very sticky wicket. He will most definitely be robbed of his envisaged hi-so position, and probably cost him a lot of money not to be chucked out of the country. I hope a harsh financial fate, and lesson learned.............
  2. ..... in his bed sized litter tray..........😺
  3. No, it is the USA gun laws, which now to me are way out of date considering how life has changed. Guns are easily bought, and easily stolen, the USA is awash with them. I had licenced sidearms and ammo reloading stuff in the UK, then after a few nasty instances the Gov withdrew licences and banned guns, so that was that. No more hobby....🥴
  4. Yes, that is one of many, members have their own reasons to trek to Sav , even myself.........😋
  5. I think we all know about extensions, but there are probably many reasons why many folk take the trip to Sav.....😉
  6. None, farangland kids lives revolve around smartphones and TV, playing video games killing as many as they can, to the point of obsession.. Schools can no longer teach or control a__hole kids to point them in the right direction. Imported kids, sh_t maybe what they are used to, so they 'may' bring it with them. The softly, softly approach has failed, now paying for it.........🤔
  7. They need to be birched........
  8. Is that a "Sermon"..........................🤭
  9. No he's not, those who are cornered go down the "Troll" route, BN..............🙄
  10. 🥱...Here you are............🥱 And a question for you, wouldn't you call your Putin a Nazi, as he has done the same thing Hitler did, invaded Poland for land grab, nothing else...? 😉
  11. I was pulled once from having a .44 Magnum round on my key ring. It was a spent round I reloaded with no powder in it with the spent primer, hole drilled through the case to go on my key ring, it was a keep sake from my debunked hobby.. I did try and explain, but they took it......🥴
  12. Let's be frank, Frank, you are getting in all of a tizzy because you will not have your leader questioned, of course that's your right, but don't think for one minute you will not be quizzed over it. So, keep on puffing Frank, but don't let your leader find out, eh...............😱
  13. I would have thought an obvious mistake by the chap, can easily be done, leaving a small object in a bag side pocket from an earlier trip. Don't understand the photo fuss, anyone would think he had a fold up shotgun in a tin leg........🥴
  14. No I haven't, your Nazi cr@p is to protect your leader, the killer of his neighbours people, Hitler MKII, he is the nearest you're going to get to the word, Nazi... Whacky baccy, what on earth are you talking about now....🤔 Ooooh, you are sitting there puffing on dope, I might have guessed.............😂
  15. Near every country has a far-right group, even my own, never heard one calling themselves Nazi, but getting back on topic, Putin's "Nazi" clear out is just a smoke screen for land grab and YOU are making excuses for it, but I guess you are a Putin fanboy.......
  16. Only 10 minutes, wow, do you get them from next door and for free...........? 😂 I don't get residency letters, I have a yellow book and a printer at my house...........
  17. A good key shop can copy the transponder as well as cut a key...
  18. You can't answer me then. I am not surprised, you have nowhere to go on the subject....
  19. As I thought, you can't even understand the reason I put forward that helps me not have to worry about residency letters. Now come on, buck your ideas up..🙄 I hope my posts do amuse you, as well as educate you on a few things that you clearly don't understand, but never mind, eh.....................🤭
  20. That is no answer, do the folk in Ukraine you call neo Nazi refer to themselves as Nazi.... Yes or No will do..........🥴
  21. Yeh we know, land grab, personal money grab, a continuous ruler........Have I missed anything..🤭
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