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Everything posted by transam

  1. What are you doing reading Welsh news about England, was that the only place that had something for your agenda.............😂 Anyhooo, I am off now to watch vids that you won't watch in case they show you are wrong....... See you tomorrow, stay safe now, close the curtains............
  2. Yeh, I think we all have our niche, sadly I haven't found mine yet, and time is running out.......😱
  3. Oh, you're in Wales now stirring things up.........Have a word with the bloke who looks after Wales......... Pob lwc........
  4. How do you know what is rubbish till you get to the end..............
  5. He doesn't have to, we all know..........
  6. So what do you do.........? 🤔
  7. I would have thought it was the various district police departments you should be referring too, not the PM. Now if you had a pop at London's Sadiq Khan, I would agree with you, but you won't, because he's one of your chum's......😂
  8. Sorry, don't understand that, try again........😉
  9. More so than that that comes out of Moscow...........🤠
  10. Yes, probably, after all, all the crims put together are a "mob" nobody wants, except a few on here who deny the figures....
  11. Indeed, it is, because difficulty stopping the day to day crime. But you carry on denying it over the single word, "mob", because you protect these people, instead of protecting the innocent citizens......😉..........
  12. The post from someone who has lost the plot and has nowhere to go..........
  13. ............in flip-flops.......... My thoughts too........🤗 When I sit back and think, lovely location, lovely sounds of nature, sitting there relaxing, perhaps enjoying a chat or reading stuff on the phone.......... When a porky farangy creeps up, thinking he is the best thing since sliced bread for Thailand, kicks a mere slip of a girl for sitting on steps the law now says shouldn't even be there. My idea is, he thought she was some sort of chamber made, just sitting with a friend, so he thought he would show them who's boss around there.......😟 Weeell, his bullying tactic has buried him, probably has always been an ass__le, but for sure, he has eaten "humble pie", the dick, plus the loss of farangy face must be soooo embarrassing, and as for his wife, she should be ashamed of herself, and I hope the locals point it out to her................🤔
  14. Great, so there are more crimes going on in London/UK, but you are all saying it is safe....🤭 https://www.statista.com/statistics/863276/violent-crime-in-london/#:~:text=The overall crime figures for,United Kingdom%2C which has an https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/knife-crime-london-rise-latest-statistics-robbery-sadiq-khan-b1114654.html#:~:text=Knife point robberies in London,the capital also jumped dramatically.
  15. That reads like the blokes wife has got him into deeper sh_t...........😬
  16. Yes indeed, but I get used to it with him/her.......😉
  17. Dodging again, very naughty, but hey, you have stated it is safe in London/UK, yet the figures show you are not telling the truth.................
  18. So you dismiss the horrendous knife crime figures, the rape figures because you felt safe in the UK, yet it is obvious Sunak is telling the truth that there is a huge problem.....🙄 You feeling safe is probably because you, to the rascals, are an ol' duffer with no Rolex or iPhone.......😂..
  19. Your safe London/UK, have a read ............. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/knife-crime-london-rise-latest-statistics-robbery-sadiq-khan-b1114654.html#:~:text=Knife point robberies in London,the capital also jumped dramatically.
  20. One word please.. Airline...........
  21. Here ya go, have a read, just one aspect of London yobbery................ https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/knife-crime-london-rise-latest-statistics-robbery-sadiq-khan-b1114654.html#:~:text=Knife point robberies in London,the capital also jumped dramatically.
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