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Everything posted by transam

  1. 🤣........Sorry, but that doesn't cut it, me quoting what I think of a couple of individuals has absolutely nothing to do with fascism......🤣 Though, in your case I am not surprised at your reasoning.......🤕.................🤣
  2. How did you come to that conclusion.....? 🤭 Take your time, make it comprehensive, it could be fun.......
  3. You got a link for that, please.........? 😊
  4. I hope the anti-vaxxers crowd are not going to say Covid also caused your wars..........🤣
  5. Both, but with a slight adjustment... "mentally completely impaired"............ Oh, and today I read that Trump's sidekick, Musk, has been called a troll, which is bang on.... https://uk.yahoo.com/news/german-chancellor-withering-response-elon-230715742.html
  6. That is 2 words, so......... Policeman..........🤭
  7. Gawd 'elp the USA if you're anything to go by................................
  8. Yeh, riiiiiiight................😂 Probably doesn't mean much to the average Trump voter...........
  9. So what.......Do 2 bikes fit comfortably together in a single lane or not...............? Try harder, your hang him high thing is a bit thin.. 😂
  10. So you think his bank balance is what matters, and not what his agenda may be........? 🤔
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