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Everything posted by transam

  1. An anti-Jewish crystal ball, threads with anything to do with Jews, Jews in Israel, Canada and the UK, very little else, strange that...........
  2. It says she is barred from the UK.............
  3. And I have been to the USA, quite a few times....😉
  4. Which won't affect you across the pond..................🤗
  5. But many didn't, ask my mum about East London in 1940, if you could........
  6. To me it is, finishing something an aggressor starts, always civilians caught in the middle. Hitler was voted into power, so was Hamas, their aggression failed, causing misery for others. It has now been found that underground Gaza is built for one thing, attacks on Israel funded by Iran, this underground military hideaway must have taken years to complete ready for the onslaught, it has failed.
  7. At the mo she hasn't got any, but if she was let back in, I have no doubt she would be straight on social Security teamed up with another religious wannabe Rambo fruitcake.........🥴
  8. How do you know......?
  9. 🤔........Happy because you never got married, or happy because you were afraid to get married.. Or are you gay...........?
  10. No I haven't, and I haven't forgotten the civilian deaths during WWII to eradicate the aggressors, which was far worse.
  11. There is always history behind everything, but you have a distinct problem about folk who take care of aggressors. Have read up on how the Japanese and Germans HAD to be dealt with to stop their aggression....😬
  12. Not again............... Stop making excuses for the murder of 1000+ Israeli civilians on 7/10..........Gawd elp' us....
  13. Don't be silly, she put it about with killers way after 15.............Gawd..........
  14. Let's not shy away from the fact that these three KNEW what ISIS was doing, slaughtering. So they wanted to go out there to get rogered by the murderers, which this bird did, from one to the next...... The UK was right to block this nutter to reduce risks to our own.....
  15. Money, AH's all are represented for money.................
  16. 60 posts a day like this, are you a home alone Quasimodo............? 🥴
  17. Got me thinking about my 1965 Vespa SS180, which I wish I still had..................😉
  18. Should have told her you were gay...........😘
  19. Let the bum burps begin, read all of it............ https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/millions-pensioners-could-face-bank-152520205.html
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