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Everything posted by transam

  1. That read like a worried man..........😂
  2. 😂...Because you keep bringing up"15"............😂 She lost because she cavorted abroad with murderers, so to protect the citizens of OUR country she has been told to go to the place she will be given a passport, then sew her seeds there...........
  3. Great, read carefully next time before you try to be witty.......................
  4. She was 16 when being rogered, which is what she/they wanted, in the UK that is legal..............
  5. "Had", anything else I can help you with................?
  6. No, I agree with him, I think you are lost and concentrating on "15"...........🙄
  7. I don't have a 4x4.........
  8. They are going to tell you ..............🤭
  9. Queue, BMT's bum burp.............😂
  10. I think the thread maybe pointing out that all the dots are beginning to line up, well tech is moving on.
  11. "The rest of us will be laughing", you're a dreamer...........😂 Are you saying I cannot post on this thread, are those on the fiddle the only ones that can............? 🤣 You seem to find simple things complicated, why should I post my pension payment for all to read on here, I/we have not asked how much you fiddle, for the simple reason, I/we don't care. Anyhow, is anybody interested in what any thief makes.....I doubt it..........
  12. Yep, the bloke hasn't thought things through........🙄
  13. My state pension is none of your business, and I think it is only the likes of you that would laugh because you are a chancer, bit like dope junkies, once started, can't stop. A chancer that will not come back on here to tell us if he's been caught on the fiddle, mind you if you did, a few here would undoubtably laugh........😁
  14. Probably right. A few years back I emailed pensions that folk abroad can claim full pension using a UK address, can I do that as I have read you can on the Internet.......No reply..........😂
  15. I am cooled down, dunno about a few on here though..........🤭
  16. 😂....I can't believe you wrote that......................😂
  17. With my chum, they worked out when he left the country, his pension went down to that date, then they pursued the over payment, his Mrs. told me it was 5000 quid.....
  18. Sorry, but I think you are making excuses because you ride a bike...🤔 Plus, there is no way you are checking your mirrors all the time, most folk use them when they are going to do something. In my HGV driving test (53 years back) I had to look in both mirrors every 15 seconds, who does that......🤭
  19. But chancers like you will post like that, after all, you posted, even the police can't find you, which sort of sums you up.......😂 Though I suppose you could be a BS-ing Rambo type, trying to make an impression, after all, anyone in their right mind would not post their fiddle on an open worldwide forum as you do, well would they.............🤔....................🤭
  20. Are you the exception, can a rearview mirror stop you being rear ended by ANY passing car, I think not, unless you also have another set of eyes in the back of your head..........🤭
  21. Get taught from birth to go kill Muslims folk with no beard or smoking a ciggy, are you sure its not these 3 girls were enthralled at the ISIS Rambo's and what they do on their computors...? 🤔 Well, I am sure mum & dad wouldn't have shown them the sawing off of heads.....
  22. I think 16 when the rogering started, and it was you that started the 'child' route...🤭 Pre-frontal cortex.................🤣 Didn't you have a girlfriend at 16, I know I did............? 😘 Of course, you make 'heavy' donations ............🙄
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