My late Aussy chum did kill civilians during a fire fight in Vietnam, he told me he never got over it, was going back to the village to pay some sort of homage......😢
She is being financially supported by a go fund me. If you watch this vid a lot will be explained, especially by a bloke who worked around the lady for a couple of years, it may shut a few up, here...
I am not American or Israeli, but I do know the cost in human life to eradicate the Nazi's, ISIS and now Hamas.
Did you support ISIS, should the Nazi's have been left alone, or were you against ISIS being taken out.....? 🤔
Doubt it, her dream ISIS were taken out, the only reason she wants to get back to the UK is being holed up in a camp in Syria with no murdering playmate....🥴
She was one month shy of 16, she can roger who she wants at 16, and did, murderers.
How old was she when she looked for her next murderer husband, then the next for a rogering...? 🤔
But Joe is president, McTrump is a 'has been' with a lot of problems brought on by himself.
Oh, and if McD 'forgot' he had all of those secret documents in the fridge at home, then wanting to be president is a bit of a laugh.............🤣
I thought this story funny, more or less the same reason London has Sadiq Khan as Mayor.....😂
Why bring religion into the thread, one does not have to have a religion, like me, to keep this murderous regime collaborator lady out of the UK.............