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Everything posted by transam

  1. Correct............
  2. Why, not everyone is in your pay bracket...........🙄
  3. Just shows how uninformed you are regarding others, which would be pointless trying to explain to you.........
  4. After my first initiation to Thai/Laos grub, which was many years back, now never....😝
  5. Would be another thread regarding a puffer, eh.............🤭
  6. Not many folk are ready for a limbo dance flying, no matter what 'you' think, I think most folk are 'inside' not 100% happy, even if you are..........😋
  7. Typical puffer response, carry on chap, excuses, good fun though... Oh, as for d**K, the capital letter should be first, not last...See what your puffing does........🤣
  8. Are you Australian, by any chance...? 🤗
  9. 150,000 for a twist and go..............
  10. Probably his mum..............😋
  11. We all know that many high profile Russians have mysteriously croaked.......I hope what goes around, comes around..........
  12. Well no, never needed to "smoke" anything for brain distortion, but, I have read a bit about those who do and the consequences. In my country, you can get nicked for driving under the dope influence days after smoking a spliff. Of course, you puffers will defend your habit as 'normal', that is up to you.........😉
  13. Not surprised with death and Heir Putin...........
  14. More like a contributory fact, I would have thought, after all, we are all a bit crackers in some way, it just needs something to push one over the edge, booze, dope, girlfriend....🤣
  15. A one-sided report, no doubt, plus, I thought your USA had worse problems, no NHS there........
  16. How do you know............?
  17. Mr.DIY, multimeter is less than 200bht, be sure to use the ACV current scare, marked upto 750v..
  18. Why, I thought smoking dope affected folk in different ways and not just a one-way street....😉 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7084484/
  19. .................or strapped to the wings and given 50 lashes.............🤭
  20. Perhaps because it always messes up others connections, and perhaps they are used to dealing with football hooligan trash on their holidays..........🥴
  21. Chappy, the vast majority of British folk in LOS are not like the odd creeps that get in the news, so calm down, eh......
  22. No, you show us the proof that farangy lose in court.....Go for it...........😉
  23. "Hamantaschen".............Meaning...? 🤔
  24. British people, being British I didn't know that, so your lot are all T-total.........? 🤣
  25. Might be, might not be, so you prove it isn't...........😉
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