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Everything posted by transam

  1. Your new thread, few minutes old, just another platform for you to troll members, just go read your posts. The same every day, how you get away with it is baffling......
  2. Morons, clueless, perhaps then, the OP should stick to walking.......
  3. It seems you don't understand, I am not interested in your figures, what I am interested in is, has this murdering terrorist organisation been put to bed. Other than that, not interested in your tripe. You would even make excuses for Hitler.........🥴
  4. No, not interested in words, I am interested in resent actual actions, not your continuous cods wallop......😬 Now on topic. has Hamas been removed yet.....?
  5. Oh, really, then I have one thing to say to you BIG Nok, "Oink, Oink".........🤭
  6. I think they were.......🤭
  7. A reply to your troll post, now come on, plug your brain in, oh, not sure about that...😝
  8. Odd, your reckoning is odd.... transam.........81,700 posts divided by 16.5 years = about 13 per day. Big Nokers... 10,200 divided by 0.66 years = about 42 per day. You were saying...............🤣
  9. He's just odd, full-stop.....🤔
  10. Well, that is what non-electable lefties do, you crack on.............
  11. Because there is a "we" in your case, get used to it..............🥴
  12. Dunno............
  13. Oh, why not English, English, surely that is what they are paying for.........🤔
  14. Yes, a few of my chums get flu jabs here...........
  15. Indeed, mine took 15 weeks .............🥴
  16. We are in the aftermath, Israel is sifting out Hamas terrorists, this is where we are, you are wasting your time with your continuos nonsense deviation stuff. I am surprised you haven't been spoken to about it....🤔
  17. I can't believe you wrote that..................😧
  18. Oh, no............😬
  19. Same ol', same ol'.....You've been "Tango'd" twice today, time for you to have a rethink.. 😬
  20. Think we've been there a couple of weeks back....🙄
  21. I have a 55" Samsung in the bedroom, not as good as the TCL....😋
  22. Bought ours at DoHome, we decided on a Samsung, picture was OK and so was the price. The sales bloke said, before you buy look at this TV, he said I like looking at all the TV's I sell here and have my own opinion on them. So he took us to the TCL section turned on the 55", he was right, the sound and picture were way better in the price bracket. I have a surround sound system I used with the previous TV's now don't need it, it is that good on its own....
  23. I have a TCL 55" Smart TV, it is brilliant, but, the sales bloke came to our house and set it all up in Thai & English, even he had to phone TCL to complete the job...😋
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