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Everything posted by transam

  1. Why is it your concern, do you people watch as a hobby, besides, it is none of your or my business how folk want to live their lives, period...............
  2. We are all different, inside and outside, one problem does not fit all......😉 When I was about 6 (I think), I had a Smallpox jab, so did zillions, just in case..😋
  3. WWI..............😆 Tell me about Brit stuff in WWII, or later.............🤗 But you will find the Russians did shoot their own in WWII...🤕
  4. For catching it, no, to help save your life after catching it, yes. This is common knowledge......😉
  5. Which is not now, late 2023.........🥴
  6. I thought you were, a short while ago.......🤭 Keep on trolling Mojo......
  7. You are waaaay off-topic, you need to start your own thread on your grievances.....🥴
  8. Seems you're more interested in emojis and members type of posting than the thread. Bit strange that...........🤨
  9. All the info is being put forward, by those with no agenda, plus, replies to troll stuff, is needed because they are here, sadly......😬
  10. On this thread...........🤭
  11. I am not allowed to use 4-letter words on here........🥴 As for, "Oh, no"....You must be blind or thick...........😬
  12. Oh, no...........🤕
  13. Another nonsense post from the troll..........🤨
  14. You can talk, you already told us your trolling....☹️
  15. Is that anything to do with the thread......?
  16. Well, no........
  17. Doubt it, does Hamas have a problem with Buddhists, plus many from Gaza folk work in Israel, well they did...........
  18. That could be your intellect block, regarding his posts...........🤯
  19. You could email the Pentagon............
  20. Are you gay, I mean, your in depth report points that way............ Though I have no problem with that, but you could have said, "From a gay blokes point of view.......😂
  21. Doubt it, most replying to this thread already know your agenda, those not in your agenda clique are not interested......😉
  22. Talking about odd-balls, it the information is freely available to us all, why do you bother.........?
  23. Not about caring, it is fact that aggressors cause civilian deaths by their actions and how resolving their actions. But we will always get odd-balls dismissing the fact that aggressors must be put in their place, dismantled, same as the odd-balls with agendas.......🥴
  24. Of course, you don't care, not your agenda, thanks for telling us. What you should concentrate on, is, who starts these wars. Are you a Putin fan too.........🤔
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