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Everything posted by transam

  1. Next you will be spouting that Iran, Hezbollah are the good guys.....
  2. Seems you don't know the difference between a countries armed forces and a bunch of terrorists..... You are also ignorant of what happens in war between combatants, try watching the very old "The World at War" series, it might educate you. Off-topic but, was in a car in N.Italy around 1970 with an Italian friend, in a village he pointed out a stone plaque, he said that is to commemorate the villagers who were shot by the Germans when they were retreating, yes, villagers whose country were a short while before alias with the Germans........ Wars are not simple affairs, especially for civilians....
  3. You are probably right, or a Brit gave him a slap, or run off with his bird that took him forever to get....🤭 Probably missing the sheep back home too........😘
  4. You have not encountered him before..? He's an Australian anti-Brit, whose only reason for using this forum is to bait and try and upset members, yes, a complete tool, but I like to banter with him, just to upset his baiting plans. Oh, near forgot, he likes to use the Net to get info on members, photos etc, I have the T-shirt, obviously a reincarnated banned bloke... Let's be careful out there......😉
  5. You are going round in circles............😂
  6. So you didn't take in the important parts, never mind... Oh, my mum in 1940 London, didn't get any bombing warnings at all, accept the air raid siren at the last minute, then down to the underground railway tunnels, can Gaza folk use Hamas tunnels, not on your nelly, they are for rockets etc, that they send to Israel on a near daily basis, and have done for yonks, aimed at civilians too. Something tells me you didn't know that.........🤭
  7. Your bunch of murderers ignored International laws, did you forget...?
  8. Oh dear, so I will have the same cancer as my mate, because we are all the same inside..... Oh, never mind, difficult for some to understand the basics.....
  9. Here's an interesting snippet, a terrorist talks, but you must listen to what he says right to the very end... For the terrorist supporters here that probably won't watch it, that's a shame.........😉
  10. Think we have already been through all that previously, you have some catching up to do...😉 Why not start a thread about your lot and the Aborigines treatment. Just saying.....
  11. But, not many medical fixes for a mass program can be individually catered for. Just the way it is, especially for a pandemic that was killing millions in short order. 🤔
  12. I think me looking down on people like you, terrorist supporters, is a worthy agenda..😉
  13. Well, that's something even you know nothing about, but keep digging, keep yourself busy, plus, a bit of time away from those girlie and gay bars may do you good, though I doubt it...........🤔
  14. You are confused, go read it again, ol' master baiter....😉
  15. Oh, no..........🤨 Do the terrorist supporters here have to do everything for you..? 🤔
  16. You've only been here 2 years, more porkies from the orange brigade.....
  17. ...Correct........
  18. You can talk, got your orange shirt on....?
  19. So you support, have no problem with the murdering of Thai folk working in Israel when Israel is trying to catch them.....? You are a disgrace......😒
  20. Best you do that, I despise terrorist apologists....😒
  21. "In Australia", well you're not in Australia, and I can tell you, I know Australians that have teamed up with working or ex working girls. Isn't it strange you never mention Australians here in your master baiting threads.......😉
  22. Your baiting again....You do know that we all know your mastery...Probably doing it right now..........😘..................😂
  23. We can all read the latest news via the Net, not you cherry-picked agenda stuff..........🙄
  24. Oh, no...........😬
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