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Everything posted by transam

  1. Not so, Putin is carpet bombing Ukraine civilians today............🥴
  2. Wonder what your folk did in 1940 when they were intensionally bombed....😋
  3. Really, tell us about your experiences....😘
  4. We always get that on here with some farangy's wanting to bury other farangy's. A rather strange phenomena...🥴
  5. Think you are twisting the facts to suit you, you do the same with EV rides.........🤗
  6. Perhaps a cut in staff numbers to deal with queries.............🤔
  7. But you are every topic, you cannot be avoided, my notifications tell me so..🥴 I see schools out, peddle bike home or the bus......? 😆
  8. Creepy, is Bob another member you are trying to get personal info.....?
  9. Many, but not on a big bike, with a 0-60 of a couple of seconds with a glorious sound...........😋
  10. Creepy, where I come from we don't have a year 9, we are at work by then........😂
  11. Photo of me, what are you doing with a photo of me...... There you have it readers, Big Nok is not only daft, he tries to delve into folks private lives, fact, him and Goat are of the same ilk, not so long ago they would have been sent on their way, instead the forum goes down the pan.
  12. I don't have a pink shirt, but I did have pink tights, given to me by TVF........
  13. I gathered your degree isn't in English, so we have to make allowances for you, you can always ask if you are confused, which I think is most of the time. How those kids can learn anything from a teacher so confused is beyond me......
  14. Says the forum spy...........😁
  15. Wow, you finally grasped something............ Things will improve for you as you get older..........
  16. All you have driven is folk nuts all over Thailand, get back to work, the kids miss you.........😬
  17. Dunno, thought it was looking for a place to shove criminals in, create employment for the locals.......😉
  18. You sound not old enough to drive, back to the shed.....🥴
  19. Says an Aussie that just run over the owners of Australia.....
  20. Jester.....
  21. Try writing and finishing a full sentence, a teacher should know better....🥴
  22. Passing the buck now...........
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