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Everything posted by transam

  1. Go away, Pike..............🥴
  2. Don't think so, but both in the same bracket..............😁
  3. I doubt it, he has stated he and Bob are having fun here, that just about lines the dots up...
  4. 😂.............No, you just don't like forum police, here or there, you probably have a problem with police anywhere............😂
  5. You are a liar........🤔 So what have I learned from the last couple of pages, 3 of you are banned members, and you have the cheek to question me over something that is all guesswork and assumptions from yourselves............😆 Well done............
  6. No, should I, and as you are a new member, how would you know he/she did.....? Just one line will do.....😉
  7. Really, riiiiight, I reckon it was your mouth that got you outed. Both here and TT it was difficult to get banned, only the stupid do........
  8. 😂.........Very funny, but you are scraping the bottom of the barrel now, but expected from someone shown up for guessing on facts................
  9. Except, I wasn't one of those mods, quite the opposite.......😇
  10. Banned 4 times, how interesting, it would seem you can't control yourself, how surprising.......🤣
  11. Yes but, I am not like you, a creep with no principles................................🤔
  12. Why should I tell you, an oddball, and folk on an open forum facts I was privy to doing my job. You make me...........🤣
  13. Yeh riiight, I know actual how she/he was traced, and his username, so get the real facts before you spout.....🤭
  14. Really, you, a guy that knows nothing, jumps on the no-nothing's wagon..........😂
  15. 🤣...............More trolling and lying from the liar, Goaty.......😂 But it is good fun, especially from a new bloke who wasn't even around in that era...................................😂
  16. Oooooh no, you are ill-informed or guessing....😉
  17. Says the bloke who was taken in............🤭
  18. Another that was taken in, Yinn banned from here then on TT, who found out who Yinn really was..... I am sorry if he was your boyfriend, it sounds like it....😘
  19. Just the one, ol' bean, just the one, never needed a back-up, as some do here........😉
  20. Ah Yinn, yes I was very impressed with him, the number of members taken in by an Australian bloke pretending he was a bird, seems you are one of them, eh Goaty.........😂
  21. You're there on the ground then.........?........😛
  22. I doubt you will ever find that special one, not if she finds out what you talk about hear..........🤭
  23. The terrorist's supporter advises with his military knowledge...........🤣 .............
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