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Everything posted by transam

  1. I gave you a laugh, how is the Aussie bloke R.M (Yinn), yes I know who it is...............😂
  2. Hamas could never deal with Israel in an all out war, they thought, let's have an incursion, kill as many Israeli's as possible take a huge number of hostages, so they won't come after us... Of course, they got it all wrong, Israel did come after them and will finish the job. The West is in the area to make sure that others do not interfere. Those others are now in fear, because they know they will be slaughter..................
  3. Well now he is in the news, anything could happen..... The bloke advising Hamas from his cosy home in the UK over a number of years may have a future problem...
  4. Yeh, I read that, but the authorities cannot pin anything on him....Yet.......😉
  5. Weeell, it wasn't that long ago folk in the region got by with nothing, living in tents etc, so I reckon only lack of water or food over a longish period maybe a problem, but mass death......Noooooo.
  6. Rubbish, the fee for a multi-O has always been on their website. I have never written 5000bht on the application form, I wrote "1 year Multi-O, and done it about 12 times there.. 🥴
  7. You have dodged my question again, go back and read it...............🙄
  8. Your anti-Israel agenda is showing again, and you dodged my question regarding your extended family, how surprising......🥴 Medication, the ploy of the cornered/lost............😧
  9. I wonder who he is calling on his smartphone............🤭
  10. 30 innocent Thais were murdered by those you support, and you are crying about border control crap. You people p_ss me off............ What would you be saying if it were your extended family were butchered in Gaza by your chums........?
  11. This bloke is quite respected in motoring stuff........
  12. Which is probably nearer the truth..........😉
  13. Well yes.......Baaaaaaaaah, baaaaaaaah.....🐑
  14. Especially if he starts talking...............😱
  15. That is the question...............
  16. Sheep come to mind......🤭
  17. Who let you in...............😬
  18. I haven't read your thingy, I was pointing out the use of a confused emoji to you, sorry if you are confused... 😉
  19. Sorry to hear that, ol' chum....🤕
  20. Confusion has nothing to do with the topic, ol' chap, it is the written word that maybe confusing......😉
  21. Go away, Pike..............🥴
  22. Don't think so, but both in the same bracket..............😁
  23. I doubt it, he has stated he and Bob are having fun here, that just about lines the dots up...
  24. 😂.............No, you just don't like forum police, here or there, you probably have a problem with police anywhere............😂
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