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Everything posted by transam

  1. That is two words, please pay attention, one word ONLY....................🙄 Charabanc....
  2. If the OP reads that, he will be searching online now for flights..........
  3. That clinches it for my thoughts on the OP........😋
  4. Says the bloke who is dating a buffalo, purely for interesting and informative conversation.....
  5. I have read a lot of Goaty's stuff, so I have built up my own vision of the bloke's life from his posts. Do they not have sheep in Auss.......? 😂
  6. What happened to finish the aggression of Germany and Japan regarding civilians, and why should the aggression of the Gaza rulers aggression be treated any different........?
  7. Black cars do have lights and reflectors too........😋 It is the ones with blacked out windows that you should worry about, because they can't see you......🤭
  8. Think I could speak my mother tongue at 2 years, but then again, those first years are the early learning years, eh, thought you would have known that, but perhaps not.........🙄 You don't know how long I have been here, you are a new member, plus you don't know what lingo's I can speak, you are just a sad master baiter member, doing your thing on here, but it is fun showing you up for what you are.......
  9. No, sorry, nothing available for weird types, though you may have a bit of luck back in Auss, quite a few stunners grazing in fields....🐑.....😘
  10. Yes, but not for introduction to odd-balls, sorry.................🤗
  11. Except the OP Goaty, he's still searching with the few years he has left, but he keeps scanning the girlie bars................🙄.....................
  12. I think that would only matter if the ride had no A/C, if it has, there is no need to worry about heat, modern car A/C is near instant, buy what colour you want......😋
  13. My cars here in a hot country have been dark, the A/C works virtually instantly, no problem..
  14. 😂..........More guesswork from an unhappy Aussie, and what has speaking Thai, that you probably picked up from the years spent in girlie bars, got to do with anything.....😂 Your 3 year old Thai kids can do what, no don't tell me, you could get into trouble....😂 But you carry on with your daily tripe here, we do have a laugh over it...........😂
  15. I don't doubt that, at least you would think alike.........
  16. Well yeh, I have had visions of him as a Quasimodo double, sitting in a field in Auss, on his iPhone, tending and servicing a herd of "stunning" sheep, though I don't understand why he chose Goat over Ram, but that might just be a cover..................... 😘
  17. Well you have been here 40 years, and still fooling around in girlie bars, so I don't think you're in a position to talk about anyone's choice, you should stick to what you are used too, which from your posts, I don't think we want to hear about..........😯
  18. I don't doubt you have ventured into all sex pot deviant places, must be better than the sheep and wellington boots in the pen you were used to in Auss, eh Goaty....😘............
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