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Posts posted by transam

  1. 15 minutes ago, Random8 said:


    Nope, I have plenty of money because I didn't piss it away on luxury goods.  All my friends with the shiny cars, boats and big houses are still working and bitching about it.

    Reads like you are the one bitching about it, wishing folk bad luck with their purchases.....Hmmmmm..🤔

    Perhaps keep it to yourself, remember the old saying...

    "What goes around, comes around"...........:whistling:


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  2. 16 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    PM Sunsk is reportedly taking a ‘duvet day’ as the rats flee the Tory sinking ship.


    Who’s dumb idea was it I wonder to book Sunak an appearance at Belfast’s ‘Titanic Quarter’?


    He’s already a walking meme generator, he needs no such suggestions to make matters worse.



    The Guardian.............😂

    • Haha 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    I don't have an EV but I don't think there's any issue at all. In fact an EV is probably better in water than an ICE as if you get water in your air intake or the exhaust you're screwed. An EV doesn't have that issue.

    EV batteries are sealed you know, they don't just dangle exposed underneath the car.

    Water will not get into the intake in 6" of water, ICE Fuel tanks are sealed too, and they are situated in a similar location to an EV battery....🤗


    We know the battery pack is in a sealed unit, but we also know battery packs have gone up in smoke via water.


    As you do NOT own an EV, this question is not for you, as you would never be in the situation to even think about it...read my question again..😉

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  4. Water, the one things us motorists don't look forward to this time of year.

    Was out this morning in Mrs.T's Mini Super, driving through a back road, came up against a mini Ford (as in water), thought hmmm, should I or shouldn't I.......😵


    I chanced it, think it came up to the sills, motor didn't splutter or have a problem, but now thinking, what would you EV drivers have done, as we know the EV battery doesn't like water.......:whistling:


    Would you risk it, would you think about the battery box possibly being underwater and......😱


    What would you do....🤗

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  5. 1 hour ago, Kenny202 said:

    Already downloaded and used Malware bytes. Seem to be on a free 14 day trial but the basic program is free after the trial finishes? It seems really good, I like how you can opt to run the scans when YOU want to. Picked up 72 PUP potentials which I quarantined. So far so good.

    MB picks up PUPS on my other safety software, takes awhile to sift through the list so to not interfere with other stuff.........😂

    But I do a MB online scan now and again, never finds anything serious, so far, which tells me what I have is doing an OK job....🤗

  6. 1 minute ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I explained but you chose not to understand it.

     Emergency/Granny charger is a separate cable that is supplied with the car it has a 3 pin plug ( for standard wall socket) on one end and the other is a plug only for the charging socket on the outside of the car, dealer supplied is usually 10 amps but can buy 3rd party cables with varying amperage, has nothing to do with the wall charger. 


    Now come back and say you couldn’t understand that !!

    Thank you, now wasn't that easy, concise, every point covered in a way anyone could understand in a couple of lines.

    Well done........:clap2:


    So no problem charging at home unless your wall sockets don't have an RCD/MCB to cater for it, or a power cut........🤗

    • Confused 3
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  7. 1 minute ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
    in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel)
    Request for the modification and the indication of provisional measures
    The Court to deliver its Order on Friday 24 May 2024 at 3 p.m.


    THE HAGUE, 23 May 2024. On Friday 24 May 2024, the International Court of Justice will
    deliver its Order on the request for the modification and the indication of provisional measures
    submitted by South Africa on 10 May 2024 in the case concerning Application of the Convention on
    the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel).
    A public sitting will take place at 3 p.m. at the Peace Palace in The Hague, during which Judge Nawaf
    Salam, President of the Court, will read out the Court’s Order.



    You're missing on the Hamas and girls atrocities thread..........😬

    • Agree 1
  8. 54 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    The answer you wanted was in the first part of the post: "I plug it into the mains." 


    Maybe you didn't read that part, as you continued with several more posts, acting as if that answer had not been given.


    It wasn't until after the point that you could plug an EV directly into the mains had been repeatedly made, that you finally decided to accept that you had in fact been given the answer.

    Another who has jumped on the flame bandwagon.


    I have learned that if the wall charger packs up, you have an extra lead to plug into a wall socket, but, where does the other end of that lead go, does it go into the charger on the wall and bypass what the charger does, or is it something that plugs into the car itself...


    I have tried very hard to get an answer to clarify, I have now used extra words to get my answer about EV's on an EV thread clarified, if my question is beyond you, just say you don't know or ignore it.


    I may have to ask on Google instead.........🤭



    • Haha 2
  9. 57 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    That's an excellent idea!


    But it's not just asking a question about EVs. I have learned a ton in this thread due to people asking questions about EVs and EV owners answering them - in fact that was the whole reason for this thread in the first place before it got hijacked by the anti-EV brigade.

    You asked if the charge didn't work and someone explained you can plug it in to any socket. You then expanded by taking it to "but what if your car charger didn't work"? That's not asking a question to learn, that is a leading question because you want the answer to be "then you are bricked" and you can feel you've won because you've found the flaw. I merely pointed out all cars can have single points of failure, nothing unique to EVs or ICEVs, although EVs have a lot less to go wrong.

    Ask a genuine question and you'll get a helpful answer. But dreaming up "what ifs" to try and prove a misguided point is pointless. I don't even own an EV but it drives me insane.

    Let me ask you a question: why are you so against EVs? Why do you and EOW scrape the internet to try and find things against them? I really don't get it.

    You have totally misunderstood my initially question.

    You, are making assumptions.......



    So I suggest you mind your own business, and again, if you don't like my questions, move on.

    It is that simple..........

    Got it.....?  🙄

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  10. 52 minutes ago, macahoom said:


    The fact that you're asking such a basic, fundamental, schoolboy question gives the game away that after four and a half years of regular EV threads on this forum, you still haven't got the first flippin' clue about EVs. 


    Why don't you partake in subjects you actually know something about and stop clogging up the EV threads with your embarrassing nonsense?

    I am not embarrassed about asking questions, it is folk like you that know everything that has the problem.

    Plus, you can be sure of this, I will continue to ask questions about anything I want, people like you should mind your own business.

    Got it...........😉

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  11. 1 minute ago, josephbloggs said:

    It is because the same "what ifs" keep coming round and they could easily be substituted for ICEV "what if" scenarios. ie. they are pointless. Rare events can happen to any type of vehicle.

    You asked what if you were at home and the actual charger in your car somehow broke like you have found the great flaw in EVs! My answer, you get it collected and fixed.

    What happens if your clutch packs in in your ICEV? You get it picked up and fixed. What happens if your gearbox disintegrates (happened on my WRX after my first set of mods)? You get it collected and fixed. Neither of those scenarios (or my recent Honda episode) are reasons not to buy an ICE, they are just rare events that can happen, just like your theoretical (and unlikely) "all of a sudden the charger breaks" scenario which you posted as though you've put the nail in the EV coffin.

    So you don't like to answer my questions, then IGNORE them, really easy.


    Your post means nothing to me, I am quite aware of what can happen to ANY vehicle, but I am asking questions on an EV THREAD......Gawd 'elp us........🙄

    • Confused 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:


    I think you'll find most people don't want to respond to your posts.

    Because they don't like the answers they must give, perhaps, but I don't care, it is just annoying that a few of you must flame instead of answering......🤔

  13. 3 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    If your wall box failed you plug it in to any normal socket instead. Not stuffed, but slow.

    If the actual charger on the car failed you would need to have the car taken to be fixed I would imagine. Likewise if your clutch failed, or your gearbox seized, or your petrol cap jammed.

    Just more stupid "what ifs" really. Pointless and irritating.

    Or do ICEVs just keep on working 100% of the time for 100% of the people?

    Guess what, my wife drove our Honda HR-V (ICEV) home last week and parked it. The next morning it was dead. Stuck in park. No electrics (not even the horn would work). We needed two trucks to get it moved and taken back to Honda.  So what if that happens? Should I go posting in ICEV threads to ask what you do with your ICEV if that happens?

    What if what if what if what if. Yawn yawn yawn yawn.

    Thanks for the answer, the rest of your nonsense is ignored.


    It is a shame you EV-ers have your heads stuck so far up where the sun don't shine, it is crazy, can't answer simple questions.......Sheeesh...:coffee1:

    • Agree 1
  14. Just now, Andrew Dwyer said:

    My home charger was supplied and installed by the dealer, it uses a secondary circuit from the house electrics (TOU meter) and gives me 1/2 price electricity at most times.


    Until this was all up and running i used the charging cable, also supplied by the dealer, into a standard wall socket. ( actually i have two of these as i bought one that will work with no earth present, necessary at the mil’s )


    Both the wall charger and the granny charger ( yup, it’s not too fast ) plug into the same point on the car.

    Riiiiiiiiiight, so let's get back to my question, if the actual charger fails, and you are nowhere near a charge station, you are stuffed.....?  😛

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