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Everything posted by transam

  1. Don't be, just move on, ol' chap.......
  2. Did they all work in Pattaya though..................😂
  3. Isn't it strange that NM supports terrorist actions from wherever in the region........😬
  4. You really have no idea what you are talking about........... The USA has probably just saved many lives, the thing you are constantly moaning about, the loss of life. PS. Try thinking before you post.............
  5. You can talk................
  6. Look, you don't Jew's, that's up to you, but don't tell me folk murder and chop up kids because of their situation, that is rollox........Stop making excuses for these terrorists, they come from the same mold as ISIS, kill anything that they don't like........... And don't guess about me, you haven't got a clue............😒
  7. The conditions are of their own making, if they want terrorist rulers, they voted for it, and got it. But if you want to make excuses for a bunch of murders taking things out on civilians with their hit-and-run stuff, that is up to you, and noted. 🥴
  8. Then you should stay away from those shady girlie bars to perhaps enlighten yourself.....🤭 "Have is not of", what's that all about......?
  9. So, you would murder toddlers, old ladies etc, if you were upset about your countries problems...? 🥴
  10. Oh, your trolling thing, yet again, try growing up...................
  11. I think you are lost, I think you have no idea how a war works. I think you should do some homework on how wars were ended in the past dealing with aggressor countries...... My own mother, who passed away at 85 years, still had thoughts of the Germans bombing London and her dodging the fall-out, bombed out of 2 houses too. Civilians are always caught up in any conflict, with this one, you are defending the aggressors, Israel is doing its best to end it, for the sake of its own nationals who have been subjected to Nazi style atrocities. If you want to point fingers, then point at the rulers of Gaza, it's their big mistake, and is totally of their own doing.....🥴
  12. There was no hospital bombing by Israel....................
  13. Talking about human depravity...................
  14. Keep digging, or retire gracefully............................😂
  15. Seems I was right, your "ignorance" was removed.............😒
  16. Then start your own thread regarding the history of the region, plus, this one is about Hamas attacking Israel..............
  17. Does anyone understand that..............? You, altering the Israeli flag with a Nazi symbol is the lowest YOU could get. I reported it, because you are ignorant...........
  18. Stupid post....................
  19. I near forgot you were a Putin supporter too....................🤭
  20. Just got his call-up papers through the post..........😩
  21. Go tell ISIS all that lot, but be prepared to lose your head.........🙃
  22. There was no bombing by Israel of a hospital, you keep tripping up, your agenda is showing..................😒
  23. Night.........
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