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Everything posted by transam

  1. But up where, his own....................😝
  2. It would be worth it................😉
  3. More assumptions from the terrorist supporter...........
  4. Will have to wait till the bloke comes back from his hols............🤭
  5. To even mention emojis is questionable, please stay focused.........🤭 Plus, I have never been on a retirement visa, seems daft if one is married and just show 400k in the bank for 60 days. But you carry on, stash your cash over a few extra printouts.......... In your own words, you made your bed, now lay in it........😂
  6. Is printing off a few extra pages of stuff too difficult for you...........? 🤭
  7. Very good explanation regarding the hospital "bombing", with screenshots etc, that even Hamas supporters here 'may' understand and stand down...........😋 I bet they don't watch it, will spoil their agenda............😝
  8. There is no crater..................🤣
  9. Yep, you're cornered...................🤭
  10. Bang on queue, how surprising...........................
  11. Why not wait for further news reports, get off that wagon chap.......
  12. Well do it in the garden then.................😂 Many vids on YouTube showing the same procedure........🤭
  13. Temperature.....
  14. Yes, do not throw a "dead" one away, for the bloke that laughed, watch this easy fix............😉
  15. You "believe", oh well, we better move on then.................
  16. Fink the bloke doing it has gone to Butlin's...........................😂
  17. You can bring a "dead" non-chargeable one back to life if you have a spare good one to do it with.........😋
  18. Situation...
  19. Really, I thought the USA were usually asked.............
  20. I miss the page-up thingy..............😋
  21. Perhaps the ladies have heard of your 40 year girlie bar stuff and are staying weeeeeell clear of you.............😝 Mind you, do you tell them your name is Goat.........😂
  22. Perhaps he's going to arrest him.........................🤣
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