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Everything posted by transam

  1. Yes, things did move on a bit at that time.....😋
  2. Make sure it has the Union Jack on the boot..........
  3. Eeeeer, you never drove a Jag XK 120 or 50 then..........🤗 Plus, you are referring to a sports car from over half a century back.........😂
  4. Humour is my middle name, old bean......😂
  5. It's not British...........😏
  6. How do you know that....? You are doing your usual thing, which is making assumptions based on your own mindset........Sad..🙄
  7. Mr.Link man, here's one for you.............😬 https://uk.yahoo.com/news/hamas-militants-ate-familys-lunch-095623203.html
  8. Blimey, he will be dribbling now cos he's never seen one, or the pair........😂
  9. He does that, even photos, so beware..............FACT...
  10. Trimming is for SSD's, defrag is for HDD's......
  11. I have used ASC Pro for years, if your Windows updates, it reinstalls Edge. Something like that. There is a program to block Edge, can't remember what it is, Google will know.
  12. Weren't they lucky..........
  13. Blimey, you get around mask spotting, perhaps the kids think it's fun wearing a mask, some don't, you every thought of that, but well spotted, keep it up..............
  14. Bullseye...
  15. Reads like the OP was ripped off, not surprised though, or he probably ate the cardboard box.........................🤭
  16. It will reinstall..........🤭
  17. I haven't got EDGE on my PC....... You have made 58 posts in 10 years, and you're complaining..........🤣
  18. That's great, keep it up Ralphy, and you may find a Biro easier to use............😉
  19. And how's Scunthorpe............
  20. Aaaah, another "spotter" comes to the fore with his assumptions.......😋 You could start a club, ya know.......😂
  21. Agreed, some here "fear" a response and so put them on ignore.....😉
  22. Here's one..........
  23. Eeeer, BN is confused, yet again, poor fellow........🥴
  24. Oh hello Ralphy, long time no see, but, I don't have any hair.........
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